Increased laziness, which in turn has caused a rise in obesity.
What are some changes that technology has caused in the world?
i was just going to say extreme laziness, but someone beat me to it
What are some changes that technology has caused in the world?
Think about how long it took to send a message to somebody across the ocean before telephones or morse code. With our technology, it takes seconds. Before, it used to be months.
People travel easier because of cars, trains, and planes. Businesses are open longer because of electric lighting. Humans live longer because of medical advances. Babies have a higher chance of survival after birth.
These are just a few ideas. I'm just comparing pre-industrial age to now. Just look at something in your room or out in the window that technology has created/improved and think about what they did without it.
The world has become small and one can contact immediately another living anyhowre in the world. Travel has become cheaper both domestic and internationa. Environment awareness has increased and fuel guzzling cars are out. Same with steam engines of the railways, to diesal engines and now electric which is faster, cheaper and no emissons.