Friday, 16 September 2011

How has the technology changed from ww1 to now?

what sort of things have changed from the technology in world war one to nowadays?
How has the technology changed from ww1 to now?
Trench warfare was made obsolete by the development of the tank.

The development of drugs such as penecillin, synthetic anti-malarials and the like were only developed after WW2.

Aerial warfare became far more relevant - air superiority is now considered crucial to success. The Red Baron and Zepellin attacks were very small scale by comparison with the kind of arsenal available to combatants today. Aircraft carriers, jump jets were u=yet to be invented and helicopters were of little use militarily.

Nuclear weapons, rockets and ICBM's the secret weapons that were only dreamt about in the Great War. With Stealth boats, AWACs Stealth bombers and

Radios were in their infancy - the idea of video/colour and sophisticated satellite communications we take for granted nowadays were but a dream.

Computers were only developed after WW2 (Colossus at Bletchley Park was used for code breaking). Now there is morecomputing power in a mobile phone than was needed to put a man on the moon in the 1960's.

WW1 didn't even have radar - we now have spy satellites that can read car number plates and have thermal imiaging capabilities
How has the technology changed from ww1 to now?
Well for sure we have advanced in the medical field! that is a big one because we could have saved more people if we had better medical help; technology has and is also changing fast!
computers gaming devices internet and mobilephones/telephones werent made then
  • hair brush
  • connecting database