How IT(Information Technology) changed the world?
Before IT, people had to think and do their own original homework rather than beg other people to do it for them.
I could give you an example but, hopefully, you will be at least able to work out one for yourself!
How IT(Information Technology) changed the world?
Space in that a whole database of information now takes up one disc, not an entire room.
Time in that it can do loads of sums, work out a total or average, etc, and change it quickly.
Communication. E-Mail. Internet. Mobile phone wap services.
It's one amazing revolution.
Information Technology did not change the world. I don't want to become too pedantic but it is a bit like saying that the invention of the atomic bomb actually killed anyone. Only the actions of people change the world, if we start thinking that a discovery or an invention does the changing all by itself we are falling into the trap where we aren't responsible for things.