Wednesday, 21 September 2011

How IT(Information Technology) changed the world?

I am doing a course on this for Enterprise. Any intelligent people got ideas? worth of A*? please HELP!!! thanks...
How IT(Information Technology) changed the world?
Before IT, people had to think and do their own original homework rather than beg other people to do it for them.

I could give you an example but, hopefully, you will be at least able to work out one for yourself!
How IT(Information Technology) changed the world?
Space in that a whole database of information now takes up one disc, not an entire room.

Time in that it can do loads of sums, work out a total or average, etc, and change it quickly.

Communication. E-Mail. Internet. Mobile phone wap services.

It's one amazing revolution.
Information Technology did not change the world. I don't want to become too pedantic but it is a bit like saying that the invention of the atomic bomb actually killed anyone. Only the actions of people change the world, if we start thinking that a discovery or an invention does the changing all by itself we are falling into the trap where we aren't responsible for things.
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