Saturday, 24 September 2011

Will Denny Clines hydrogen dicovery change the world?

If you are unaware of this new technology then search and watch

this super interesting topic. We are now able to run all our cars,

and much more on only water!

I googled Denny Cline, scrolled down to find the hydrogen topic

and Wow.

Big Moneys not going to like this!
Will Denny Clines hydrogen dicovery change the world?
I doubt it will change the world unless his electrolysis process is extremely effcient.

His car doesn't run on water though, he uses electrolysis to produce HHO gas, and then uses this as an additive in the cylinder.

Denny Cline has invented a process for converting water into HHO gas using a form of electrolysis he is patenting. He has retrofitted a couple of cars to use this gas as a fuel additive. This car does not run on water. He basically had to get a larger alternator for the increased electric load the vehicle requires for electrolysis to produce the HHO gas. The main power source for this car is still gasoline, the HHO is just a supplement. He is claiming an increase of 20-30% fuel economy on this vehicle. If this is all the increase in efficiency, I doubt it will change the world.

His patent hasn't been awarded yet, but I will be keeping an eye on it to see what he is doing different in his electrolysis.
Will Denny Clines hydrogen dicovery change the world?
Unfortunately it takes about 4 times as much energy to get the hydrogen out of the water as you get back when you use that hydrogen to run a car.

This is not a source of energy.

Nice try though.

(edit to asker) I read in the posts that discuss the car that Denny Cline was promoting that indicated that the person making the post had read one of the brochures that Denny Cline had distributed regarding this car that supposedly ran on water:

The brochure is quoted as saying: %26quot; Our only motive is to help the world. It is our objective to build a world based on trust and sharing, rather than fear and greed%26quot; The poster then notes that the brochure went on to ask people for money with no posssible return on their investment.

This sounds to me like one of the many scams that has set back the renewable energy industry repeatedly. Over the years many scam artists have preyed on naive but well meaning people who want very badly to do something to help the earth.

The scam artists come up with a plausible sounding story and ask people for money to help develop this %26quot;marvelous%26quot; invention. The scam artists then disappear with the money that they collected.

I recommend if someone asks you for money to develop a water powered car, please call the fraud unit of your local District Attorney immedaitely.

We all want new, non polluting and efficient forms of energy.

However it does not do anybody any good when scam artists steal money from well intentined people for a device that is essentially a fraud.
Where will we get the hydrogen? Nuclear power (and I'm pro-nuclear BTW)? I don't doubt that we can make vehicles that run on hydrogen, but the generation (and transport and handling and dispensing) of the hydrogen are very difficult problems, and not likely to be solved before they have to be.

Conservation and efficiency are the only hopes we have.

Air powered cars are already in production so your story is believable.
Too bad they're not up front about HOW it works. I couldn't see anything different from standard 19th cenury technology except for the change of a few words. Typical charlatain technique. Too bad. We really need the kind of technology he's pretending to have developed.

Highly suspicious that they want time to set up their demonstrations, when their machine is supposed to be plug and play.
Most changes cant be calculated it's astronomical one fact is the North poll is a 100 miles off as we speak get ready for a flip.