Friday, 16 September 2011

How fast will technology change 50 years from now?

In 1957 they didn't have cell phones, personal computers, Ipods, Navigation Systems in cars. With all the growing technology, devices and such.

What would this world be in another 50 years and so on?

And lets be realistic!
How fast will technology change 50 years from now?
There's no way of knowing! You are assuming things will improve.......I'm not sure. I'm not talking global warming, I'm talking population, religion/social ideals.........more social stuff. Society hasn't always moved forward. Civilizations rise and fall and the technology with it. Roman Empire's idea of public sewers didn't reappear for many centuries later.

But to answer: We will have to have new energy sources unless the new technology is first doing more with less energy.

There are not enough raw materiasl around to supply the world. Old landfills will be mined for material. We will use items, then discard them and have them converted into some substance that is used to make new material. Landfills will be obsolete.

How fast will technology change 50 years from now?
microscopic ipods