There have ALWAYS been predictions of the future, what do you think 2028 will be like?
How do you picture this world in 20 years?
Better than before for humankind.
How do you picture this world in 20 years?
Excluding the possibility that the world hasn't ended in 2012 or another year, i think that the United States will be in a weakened state, in an economic low tide, and the countries of Russia and China will be in control of the world, just as the United States is now. By this time America will have taken action against Mexico for all of the illegal immigration, and the firm Christian stronghold on America will be broken, as more Muslims and Atheists, as well as other religions will bring idealism and separation of church and state into the country. Global warming will become more serious, the worldwide temperature will be greatly raised, and just as %26quot;going green%26quot; is beginning to take affect now, it will be more than a lifestyle choice in the future, it will be a mandatory action, just as how wearing sunscreen in our parents days was not necessary, and now everybody is more protective. You should watch a segment on the history channel about the end of the world, it explains the top 5 threats to the end of the world, the number one being global warming, it will REALLY make you think, like seirously.
I hope you share my feelings!
The second poster had a real good insight into what might happen in the world. Another %26quot;possible future' a term borrowed from the %26quot;Terminator%26quot; movie series.
I cannot truthfully say what will happen in 20 years since i do not know what will happen in the tomorrow.
There will come a time soon when men shall live as old as trees. And the human population will not be as great as it is now. A time of peace for 1,000 years will come. Whether green technology or integrated technology will exist at that time, I don't see any conflict of interest there. This much I do know.
The world is taking a turn in the wrong direction. It is smoldering hot, where it was moderate and hell itself in places which were smoldering. I think that global warming is destroying the earth, and it is going to create a hell on earth, and humans will become extinct. Hopefully they are able to survive in places like alaska and siberia.
I think the world will keep spinning. But how will the great inequality be resolved, where 1% of the population holds 50% of its wealth, and 50% of the population holds only 1%?How about global warming and the rising food costs that affect poor countries the most severley?
Will kids in poor African countries ever have internet acess so we could talk to them? Will we stop thinking in shallow terms and recognize an international bond between our felow humans? What is it that makes an American child superior to an African or a Bosnian? Will we spend more on arms to defend ourselves, even though 篓we all breathe the same air篓? Will we become more open to foreign ideas? Or will those ideas be overpowered by ours? Is the American way of life sustainable for everybody? no, there are not enough resources. So the everyday world citizen is left reaching for an ideal, an expectation that he will never be able to grasp!
How will this clash of cultures resolve? Will we find a common human goal to unite us by 2028, that is above all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic divisions? Yes, I think we will, sooner or later because we will be forced to. Just like we were forced to resolve the cold war peacefully in order to avoid destroying each other completely. And the basis of this this current war that the world is silently fighting is not only economic like it was with communism and capitlaism, but it has its roots in diferent cultural, religious, and existencial beliefs, and the future will need these differences resolved.
And do you know who is the one I think will help resolve it? The Catholic Church. Yes, because it includes a fourth of the world麓s population, and since John Paul II, it is a very strong promoter of peace, charity, and solidarity. i presonally experienced this as a migrant, first from the Former Yugoslavia, to Canada, and then to Mexico. The cultures were strikingly different but the Church was very much the same, and it helped me integrate in each culture. And how any migrants there are and will be , like myself, who will need this kind of protection and support. Also, the Church has a lot of potential to mediate between the traditionalist Muslim and the very liberal Western society, both of which are very rigid. I also predict the spread of the Church to China, it is only a matter of time I think, because the Chinese have no resistance to authority like we Westerners, but their government is failing them in important ways, and the Church again could be an alternative to the Communist ideology.
But you don麓t have to agree, we麓ll just wait and see. Thanks.
Hazier skies than ever, hard to breathe, worsening obesity, definitely some new energy, and kids will play outside less and less.......
Overcrowding and global warming will be much hotter topics; they'll be much worse.