for example
1. nuber of people
2. the way we use technology (scientists will probably make a sattelite that will go to other solar systems)
3. the way military uses wepons
4. globabl warming
5. internet
6. buildings, cars, other things like that
7. prices for items ( gas )
8. the way we get our food
How do you think the world will change in 100 years?
In 100 years...
we will begin to explore outer space to a geater degree than ever before. We will more than likely have something like a colony on the moon, maybe even Mars, or maybe even several planets. With the rate at which it takes the space agencies to get a mission together, we will probably just be seeing the beginnings of deep space exploration. More than likely it will just be satellites and a few manned reconaissance missions.
the population of the Earth will be peaking, if not already beyond its capacity. We will begin to colonize areas of land that we once deemed inhabitable, and we will begin to increase our city densities to try to take in an ever growing population. Food will begin to become scare, but by hat point, we wll have come up with many new ways to ncrease food productivity. As a comparison, world population figures after WW II in the 1940's are estimated at about 2.2 billion people. Now, we are over 6 billion. If this rate continues, then theoretically in 100 years, we could have upwards of 30 billion or more people if the planet was able to sustain that many. Of course, our technology would improve allowing us to sustain many more than 6 billion, but 30 billion is a stretch. It would probably stabilize somewhere around 10 billion or so due to increased efficiency of resources, but that can only go so far.
technology will be also unconceivable to us now. Even at this present day, it is making considerable leaps and bounds month to month. By the time you buy that state of the art computer and get it home, it is already outdated. Hard drive capacities will no longer be masured in Gigabytes, but probably in petabytes or exobytes by this time. Of course with modern %26quot;disc%26quot; type hard drives, they can only go so far, but in 100 years, we will have come up with a new way to store massive amounts of data. Our technology will also allow us to live longer than ever before. Life expectancies will go up for most of the world, but there will also still be horrible poverty. The old saying of %26quot;the rich get richer and the poor get poorer%26quot; will still be there as this never changes because of human nature. Our medical technology will be beyond belief. We will find cures to old diseases and new diseases will come along that will baffle us.
it is not inconceivable that wars will be fought on a different medium: online. Though soliders and guns will always be with us, the majority of the fighting by this point will be in the digital form with countries attacking each other for electronic wealth. Even today we are seeing an increase in the amout of cyber attacks and terrorism spread through the use of computers. Once the older generations begin to die out and people are born into the world with no knowledge of living without a computer, the world as a whole will begin to become more tech savy. No longer will businesses be controlled by %26quot;old timers%26quot; who believe the computer is just a necessary evil to keep doing business in this world, but a new generation of corporate executives will be in place who embrace and help to advance technology, even if for their own means.
global warming will be at an all time high. Our ozone will be next to nothing and we will still continue to dump polutants into our atmosphere in order to increase our productivity. However, it is not beyond belief that by this point we wil have wised up and began to combat the problem of global warming. In order to do so, it would take a major catastrophy in order to unite the world to take action. It is a rare thing for humanity as a whole to make any kind of major change unless it is an absolute necessity. This means that a great event could have occurred that would have meant the death or displacement of many millions if not billions of people. Entire cities could have been wiped out, and entire countries devastated.
the Internet will be an animal that we would not recognize. By then, technology will allow us to interact with cyberspace in entirely new ways. Cities, countries, and perhaps even the world would be wired and every person connected to everyone else. No longer would web pages be needed. The Internet could literally become the true %26quot;virtual%26quot; exprience that many claim it is today. Because of human nature, it is ikely that sex will still be its primary global use. However,because of our advances, sex on the Internet will be so much more than merely cybering. With advances in hardware as well as software, it is possible that cybersex could well be close to the real thing. After all, nothing sells like sex and if it takes sex to motivate the development of the Internet as we know it, then that is what will happen.
buildings are going to grow taller, stronger, and more efficient. Many will begin to utilize new advances in construction and materials to make them safer and more efficient, allowing them to leave a smaller footprint both economically and in the environment. As land space is often limited, many cities will have no where to go but up. Historic buildings will be kept, but many will be torn down because their previous construction makes them too inefficient for modern needs. Current record setting buildings like the former Twin Towers of the World Trade Center will be common place. Apartment complexes and cheap living will be the norm. People will be less and less able to afford 1300 sq ft homes on 1/4 acre of land. There will simply be too many people and not enough space. Cars will have made leaps and bounds by this point. Our supplies of petroleum and oil will have long since run out or be in such short supplythat we will have been forced to come up with alternative fuels. Change will have been slow with world governments only making small necessary changes at a time. It will have begun with things like hybrids, but even this was not enough. Eventually alternative fuels were needed and ours cars by this point will be running on fuel that is many times cleaner than gasoline. Advances in automotive technology will also have made our automobiles far more efficient. Cars will last longer, they will make better use of their fuel, and they will be lighter and more compact.
gas prices will be high due to inflation and economics, but with the advent of alternative fuels, it will not be an issue anymore. The real worry would be about prices for food. This is one area in which all living things cannot do without. Everyting from bacteria to human beings need to eat. With a growing world population, food will be in great demand and short supply. Humanity will be looking for new ways to incease food production and make current food supplies better able to feed the masses.
the way we get our food would probably not be all that different. We would still have grocery stores and places to go to get it. Families and people would still need to go shopping and purchase it. The only problem would be the cost as it would be in shorter supply than ever before.
All in all, anything is possible. It is even possible that the world could end up virtually destroying itself and/or civilization as we know it. In the end %26quot;only time will tell%26quot; as to what the Earth and we as humanity will really be like. In any event and no matter what happens, we as a human race will do what we do best, survive. Humans, by nature, are not hardwired to just die. We have the brains, will, and desire to continue our existance and will do so to the utmost of our ability.
How do you think the world will change in 100 years?
I think it will depend on what happens with global warming if that isn't too bad I'd say the world would still be ticking over with technology slowly progressing. More sustainable ways of getting and using energy would have to be being used. Population will increase a bit but not hugely because educated socially secure couples tend to have less kids.
If global warming is really bad and the sea rises and there are drought and floods and all the other things that have been predicted then the world will be in chaos and there will be mass migrations, starving, war etc as displaced people battle to survive on a changing planet.
everyone will have a flying car, but the world will be ran by apes
name the movie
1. number of people
small sparse cities 6-8,000 very spread out probably less than 16th the earth's current population
2. the way we use technology (scientists will probably make a sattelite that will go to other solar systems)
a higher technology will negate the mechanics of the technology you talk about
3. the way military uses wepons
only for maintaining civil control, including roving bands of nomads
4. globabl warming
non-existent as is it is today, the poles will melt and reform as necessary 1630 was actually a much hotter year and 545 was extremely cold we are only in a cycle
5. internet
wireless everywhere for those that haven't adapted telepathically
6. buildings, cars, other things like that
low buildings only a few cars mostly EMS types, people will walk or use public transportation such as tubes
7. prices for items ( gas )
antique and quaint ideas for the time, only historians will know or care
8. the way we get our food
large greenhouses with their own climate, people will live close to their food source
9. religion
unified and subsidized by the recognized governments
10. education
people will be taught to read and write in glyphs as it conveys a truer meaning with fewer marks
11. ecosystem
the ecosystem will have rebounded from the natural calamities of 2029 and 2036
12. racial makeup
amazingly it will be Indians of the Americas that rises to the top quickest, enough have remembered or recorded the old ways for posterity, they survived were most did not,
other that that because of the genetic breakdown we have seen over the last 35 years people will tend to breed pure and not blend because medical science cannot overcome the genetic inferiority caused by blending
13. society as a whole
the spiritual nature of mankind will be recognized by all and accepted without question, society will constructed around these norms. Some now call it a devolution but those living then will think we are cherish, irresponsible and egotistical.
14. aliens
that is a good one, people will find out that 'we are they', religions were formated after examples from the 'first inhabitants'
15. who rules?
it will be a technocratic society, those that are able to decipher the old texts will rule by virtue that they are the holders of knowledge. The world infrastructure will have been so decimated that there is no major knowledge base and what there is will be dispersed throughout the world. the keepers of the knowledge are old and die faster before they can instill knowledge into large groups of people. It takes time the world recovers and remembers the mistakes of Atlantis and Babylon.