Wednesday, 21 September 2011

How the world will look like after 100 years?

In this changing world after 100 years what will be the over all position of the the population,science,technology,medical science living conditions,transportation,social condition.
How the world will look like after 100 years?
It will be fun...
How the world will look like after 100 years?
there ll be no world after 100 years...
well since i'll be dead i don't know and not sure i really care....but i have a feeling it will be melted away...florida for sure and cali....the midwest may have a chance and perhaps the former northwest territories of canada and russia....other than that....situation pretty grim
Play Battlefield 2142 it will give you a idea lol
probaly the same

maybe there'll be play station 70

and xbox 3 million

and wii 300
If this world doesn't straighten up it is liable to not be here.

I would think technology 100 years from now will be something we can't even imagine. Like our forefathers probably could not imagine the items we use today (cell phones, computers, LCD Televisions etc...) At the rate the world is populating itself I would estimate 5 times the people we have on earth now. Society as a whole will be in a shamble, marshal law will be called but not able to be kept up as there will be no military. The garbage that is generated from our society itself would be enough to populate an entire state.
no cars but hover seats

no gas but (running everything on human gas)

population exceeeds roof forcing life on mars and maybe moon

no more sex due to no cure of AIDS

no more socks in the future

no more grass in the future

air will be syntheticly made

all in all we could only imagine
ASK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we will reach the status of heaven. of course by science. because science is developing in accelerating speed. and by the way it will not take a 100 years.

draw graf between time and the developing of science and you will findout that humanity will reach the status of infinite science in a few years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!