Friday, 16 September 2011

Do you think FIFA will institute digital replay technology for the next world cup?

They need it! How many calls have they screwed up? How many were obvious? How many changed the course of the game? It's ridiculous. They can have a guy upstairs look at replays and radio down to the referee what the call is, it's not that hard. While everyone's arguing, the call can be corrected. No waste of time.
Do you think FIFA will institute digital replay technology for the next world cup?

No. I would say that they may institute a review of plays by a committee AFTER the game to look at issues which would address like the KaKa red card... rescinding it and penalizing the Ghana simulator.

Soccer is a game of slow, evolutionary changes. They try, test, rescind. Retry, and perfect before they approve anything as a permanent change. They have tried the goal line technology several times, yet it is still not part of the game at a professional nor World Cup level.

They have tested and increased number of referees, including two additional referees just to view fouls / goals and issues within the penalty area. I would see them trying to expand on using human powers vs technology prior to continuous tape reviews.

Do you think FIFA will institute digital replay technology for the next world cup?
yea they do need it ... you never know how this years final outcome will be because of the dumb refs..

and yea they've screwed up in every game so far!
While Sepp (fingers in ears holes) Blatter is on the thrown, forget it

He is one of the most ignorant people on this earth and is to blame for this unfair mess

The ref and linesmen are doing what the are told by there boss Seff Blabber Head
let's hope so. i dont wann see anymore grown men with beards whining through the whole game
I sure do hope so. I have a feeling they will.
It is nearly verging on the criminal that technology is not used in the greatest team event in world sport. Cricket, rugby. rugby league all use technology as well as the large American sports. Football has been racked this year with the Hand of The Frog, a Brazilian off a handball against the Ivory Coast, Kewell getting a red card because the ball hit his shoulder/chest, the English goal, numerous red cards. Even the grand old gentleman's game of cricket is right into the use of technology. One could be cynical to say that technology may produce unwanted results, and we can't have that.
I think so
Yes they require it much.

As the advancement in the technology they need to advance there resources also.

To provide suggestions with reference to the FIFA World Cup 2010.
They better will, cause it is high time.

As far as I know they had some test runs in Europe with additional goal refs.That alone would have been useful at this World Cup.

I hope that the FIFA is going to institute further technology but I know that the board members are quite old. They still think the traditional way, unfortunately.

Wake up guys! It is time to react ASAP!!
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