Fix the world- solving the problem we have on earth, such as environment, crime, racial problems...
Would you rather change the world or fix the world? If you can only pick one.?
juz fix,because the people during the ancient time, lived very plain and simple, they don't have technology yet, but they survived, and as time passes by, our world gets worst because of us, humans...we've created and developed so much that we think really help us but unconsciuosly, these creations that we think is good, slowly kill us,how??the effects of those creations...
nowadays, we have cars, vehicles, airplanes etc,,but the smoke that they emit really kill us, as well as our environment, cellphones are one of the evidences of our technology, but it kills us, its emits such rays that kills our cells wtihin our body and they also caused crime, such as cellphone snatching...
what we really need is for the world to be fixed, there's no need for a change because in order to change the world, we have to fix and give remedies on the issue that goes around it..
Would you rather change the world or fix the world? If you can only pick one.?
I'd rather fix the world. Only then could change be possible.
Fix the world. I think you would get so much more satisfaction out of fixing it than just changing it.
I dunno, but if i can change the world, then i would change the lifestyle of people,,,i would improve the way the government is treating poor people..
mmmmm i dont know, fixing i suppose, id like to fix the environment, ppl attitudes to it and poverty. not much i no:-)
I'd rather fix it. But possibly, if you changed it enough, it would fix it in the process?
You can change the world but, you can't change lanes on the Long Island Expressway !
Change the world --- take away monetary system, there would be chaos at first but I believe money is the root of all that is evil... I believe humans can get along without a monetary system if they would just stop thinking everyone else was out to screw them and the rich standing on the backs of the poor. I'm not saying make the whole world one currency but just taking away currency all together and work on participatory economics. Kinda like Star Trek I know everyone says well thats not possible well we'd be gods in cavemans eyes right now.
I like the word %26quot;I change the world%26quot;.
the word %26quot;fix the world%26quot; implies that we dwell on the problems.
while the %26quot;change the world%26quot; is to take a stand and run for our goal.
Btw, change the world doesn't have to be discover new tech.
but also to take a stand againts the flow, the strong current of this world that will lead us to destruction and do something that effects and CHANGE the perception, the mind and the attitude of this world. You can't use the word FIX on that.
The damage is already done, and we can't fix it all.
But we CAN change the path that we are taking, and we'll do a lot more by walking forward.
Let's change the way we walk, so we don't have to fix it every time.
Couldn't one work with the other?
I rather find a smoother road
I would rather fix the world. There are enough technilogical advances in this world. We really do need to spend more time becoming friends with other countries. We need to start with out own country. Someone made a comment to me the other day, they said %26quot;what we need to do is bring all of our troops home to fight our gangs not the ones overseas.%26quot; and that is where we need to start. Fixing america...
If we don't fix the World first i.e. environment, crime,racial and religion problems,.the technology, living standard upgrade has less of a value. To live in a fancier dwelling, drive a better car or have more advanced weapons isn't enough if people want to eliminate your country because you don't have their same religious beliefs.
definitely fix it!! we screwed it up n its not only our responsibility but also our only hope of survival.. no matter how much change we want to introduce, nothin will sustain if the world doesn survive and the only way of ensuring it, is to fix it..revive it.. besides i feel, change is constant but growth requires nututring, unless we pay attention to create a healthy nurtured environment all our other efforts will go in vain..
I'd change the world by killing all technology and by that making us start over again. Hoping that we learned out lesson the first time. I know that people will die from a change like that, I'd be among the first ones to die, but I think that humankind is a plague on this earth and less of us will be a good thing.
I would rather change the world. Many who answer this question seem to feel that they can circumvent the specifications for its answer by saying that they would change the world, to fix it of its problems. You can't fix what isn't broken. The kinds of problems described are recurrent and of the sort that will dog mankind (in a free society) into perpetuity, though that doesn't mean that they can't be mitigated.
well technically, to fix the world, would be to change the world
Change myself to change the world
Interesting question and a tough decision.
To change the world is to create and simultaneously fix
one's own problems, but to create is to likely build on the
foundation of other people's work which would probably
include some fixing as well.
To fix the world is to fix other people's problems and earn
credit for assisting in changing the world through creations
based on the foundation which is fixed, but to fix someone
else's problems is to imply that the fixer knows the intentions
of the author of that which is being fixed.
Many of the changes of tomorrow depend on the foundation
of today.
My choice of one or the other would be contingent on the
situation. I can't say that one is better for a majority of the
My father was a general contractor and he always said that starting from scratch is always better and easier than trying to fix someone else's mistakes. Didn't know he was a philosopher till now.
If you %26quot;fixed%26quot; the world, how long would it last for? If you changed the world then the effects would be lasting.
Yeah, I personally would change the world to be a better place.
~~~ I hate the world. Now watch God strike me dead. ~~~
change the world