New technologies, new ways of thinking and doing things, New this, new that..
Can you keep up?
Are you keeping up with this rapidly changing world?
no,I'm not up to date,and Ive got a boat load to learn still,but i find it all amazing,i was born in the 60's,i would never of thought it would be like this.cheers :)
Are you keeping up with this rapidly changing world?
Yes very much
better than i expected.
now whats this button for .lol
yes my town just got city water last year ,and then we got cable this year,,,,, we are hopping to get paved streets next year ,,,, i wanted a sewer system ,but the mayor just got a new car and dont want drive on dirt and gravel
.........only those radical Muslims who NEVER change !!! YUCK
Oh I am soooooo trying my best!! I'm starting to get the ropes of it all though- now would be a great opportunity to thank all of those amazing people that have been incredibly patient with me....I know its been frustrating- has for me too!!!
No, no, no and no.
not that much
I got lost a long time ago.
yes , I bought my first 8 track tape today ..what will they think of next
i cann't catch up it what a pity
Technology... it's a catch-22. Makes it easier to keep up b/c of speed, availability, and easing tasks, however, technology is what we're constantly trying to keep up with, and why everyone expects things so much more quickly.
Nope and I prefer it that way. I could care less about the latest hollywood gossip or newest gadget. I have no MySpace or the rest of them and don't want them. No cellphone either. My opinions are mine and as long as I don't deprive anyone of theirs then I'm fine and don't need to 'update' myself for everyone else, although if I learn something new about a situation I am flexible and can change mind.
No, keeps spinning faster and, I want to get off!!