Saturday, 24 September 2011

Funding for a new Innovative Company that can change the world.?

My main question is...

Where can i find companies that can provide funding for a new company that will practically innovate different technologies in our daily lives? My research is completely high tech and promises a cheaper and longer future in our world. Maybe research companies might be able to help?

Any ideas anyone?
Funding for a new Innovative Company that can change the world.?
Anybody going to invest in a venture innovative in nature try to be convinced that it will be economically viable and technically feasible.

Your lab tests may firstly been patented,so that any proposal can not avade your claim over the product.

You may then consult a technical person for its commercial production planning and examine economy of the project yourself.

Thirdly you may approach a Bank for finance taking precautions for suitable management of the project in all respect.

Wish you a very successful project and good fortune.
Funding for a new Innovative Company that can change the world.?
Apply for a loan at your bank.
TV Dragon Den or Angel Investors.