Saturday, 24 September 2011

Is technology the answer to everything - or might humans need to learn restraint?

Climate change driven by consumer economics --- population growth -- war -- and the rest. Is more of the same the cure? Or is it time for fundamental change in our world-view as a species. And is there any chance of that? And how?
Is technology the answer to everything - or might humans need to learn restraint?
%26quot;Resistance is Futile%26quot;!

As long as people keep breeding like animals, we will live and die like them too. I like to dream that the future Human race will learn to control that instinct. Maybe after the coming pandemics and natural disasters cull the world population back the survivors will learn.
Is technology the answer to everything - or might humans need to learn restraint?
Hey shah, Been Awhile, %26quot;Moderation In All Things%26quot;.
Its time for fundamental change-people need to start learning how to care or respect the person next to them. More and more people need to learn how to reason and aquire good judgement. The problem is though that there are too many people that think they have good judgement and think that their intentions are good but their just lost. Too many people live in a dream world created by them and are not in touch with reality like they should be. People need to truly start getting to know themselves because when you know yourself you know others. How do you get to know yourself? threw humility by doing god's will (a god of your understanding of course) instead of acting according to your own personal desires you act according to whats best for you keeping in mind the people around you. .
Look at it this way, eventually if life goes on long enough we will reach a point in time where this solar system will no longer be able to sustain us, either the planet will be devoid of resources or the sun will die or an asteroid will hit the planet or something. When that day comes humanity will face a choice, leave or die. On that day the only way to preserve humanity will be through technology. On an episode of Babylon 5 Commander Sinclair made the point that if humanity did not explore the stars eventually something would happen and we would all die, but we would not be the only ones, Einstein, Caesar, Lincoln, Plato and everyone else who ever was and every idea humanity had would die with us. We own it to the future to preserve humanity but we also owe it to the past to remember their part in the human experience. That will all be lost one day if we do not preserve humanity and one day technology will be necessary to do that.
The two are not mutually exclusive.

How far would we have gotten with equal gender rights, for instance, without birth control and obstetrics?

Wouldn't aristocrats %26quot;by birth%26quot; still rule the globe if their leisure time to practice with edged weapons still determined things? If a half-naked peasant couldn't take them out of the saddle with a steel crossbow?

We are on the brink of another leap right now because of medicine, nukes and access to space. Viruses and fallout don't respect the politicians' lines on maps, and neither do orbits.

Technology liberates. Revolutionary technology spurs revolutions.
