Sure theres's more technology and inventions but we are losing our personal freedoms. What do you think?
Do you think the world is changing for better or worse?
I miss the old way our country use to do things. Yup, maybe all these new gadgets make things easier, but it also makes situations childhood obesity. Yup..we use to have over weight children..but now they are obese and having heart attacks. It is the same food they are eating that we did growing up...pretty much...But we never sued the fast food restaurants for our weight issues...(because there weren't many..we played outside until the street lights came on..instead of watching tv)
There is more crime in the world because the cost of everything goes up and their is so much technology out there. Does there have to be cam's on every street corner watching everyone moves...? Why don't we just have a cam attached to us..wouldn't that be easier...? What happened to our privacy..yup, it might cut down on crime..if people can figure out how to use them.
There are more people on welfare now a days, so it seems, or maybe people didn't talk about it as often when I was growing up. People use to feel guilty if they were, now, teenagers seem to look forward to it before they get pregnant..somehow it is cool.
I feel honored to have lived in the older days...I wish todays kids could have. they would see what they are missing.
Does anyone play outside until the street lights come on?
Does anyone go next door, knock on the door and say can so and so come out to play?
What happened to the manners of calling everyone Mr and Miss, Mrs. etc...
Everyone new each other..people would say %26quot;hello%26quot; and %26quot;how are you%26quot; and really mean it.
No one was suing each other...everything was talked about.
It is pretty sad when I wish I had a %26quot;chip%26quot; inside of me, afraid of identity theft...Maybe everyone would be safer that way..but why does it have to come down to this..why can't the people who want to live like it use to be in one state..and all the newbie's live everywhere else...wouldn't that be easier..?
I just think the new way things HORRIBLE!
Do you think the world is changing for better or worse?
It's getting worse.
Definately worse.*
Society is getting is getting better. lol.
undoubtedly worse
I think we are going downhill from here.
for the worse
worse, definitely out of control
Well it sure aint gettin better any faster...
It's most definitely getting worse and we can't blame it all on the government.
getting worse...the inventions are a petty distraction for what else is happening to the poor world around us.
cody j totally got it!
The world is worse. Is going to get worse. Personal freedoms are being lost by our own choice. We choose to complain about a problem rather than organize a campaign to do something about it. We would rather be amused with these toys of technology and not get involved. That's just what I think.
Our personal freedoms are decreasing but they do so because of our worsening society.
I recently watched a documentary celebrating a (respected)journo's fifty years in the media.
He was asked %26quot;In the past fifty years you have bore witness to many changes in our lifestyles, technology and achievements. Which do you think was the most pervasive and influential%26quot;?
Now this journo could have replied with, space exploration; advent of the personal computer and internet; the civil-rights movement; the nuclear age, several wars and assassinations and various other life-altering events.
BUT, his response was:
The disintegration in young people's attitude!
The stunned interviewer didn't know how to respond. So the elderly journo just replied, %26quot;But, there is still hope%26quot;
My world continues to change for the better but the world over all seems to be going the other way. With technology there are always those who find a way to ruin it for the rest of it by abusing it in some way.
oh Tony it's much better, go back to when you were young remember how difficult things were. Nowadays lots of bad things which have always happened get more media coverage. i bet if you really thought about it the good out weigh the bad by at least 100-1. Ouch i just fell off my soapbox.