Changing World Technologies (CWT) can turn turkey guts into crude oil. Used cooking oil from fast food restaurants can be turned into bio-diesel for about $ 0.82 per gallon. Neither of these require automobile technology to change. Why is the US government not aggressively pursuing these alternatives?
Why is the US not aggressively pursuing alternative fuels?
There is an economically viable alternative fuel which is available right now - and it does confer an economic advantage. You just can't see it, because we are all being misdirected.
It is electricty.
Take a look at this car, which is on the market today:
The Phoenix electric pickup truck - using new, advanced Altairnano batteries (based on research from MIT) - can:
-Travel up to 250 miles per charge
-Carry 5 passengers plus cargo at 95mph.
-Charges batteries in as little as TEN MINUTES.
-Has batteries that last 250,000 miles (never need replacement.)
Yes, it is a real car - being manufactured right now for fleet customers like PG%26amp;E. This car did not come out of any govenment program. It was not financed or subsidized by taxpayers. For that matter, our government, automakers, and oil interests are doing their best to pretend this technology is still impossible.
Driving on electricity is very cheap. I drive an EV (a very old one.) My cost for electricity is only about a penny per mile, much cheaper than gasoline. And electric cars need very little maintenance. Electric motors have only one moving part, and can run for decades with no service.
And even if powerplants burn dirty fuel, electric cars cause very little pollution, thanks to their extremely high efficiency.
My next project is to install a solar panel on my garage, and drive for ZERO cents per mile, and ZERO emissions. No other alt-fuel option can beat ZERO.
Why is the US not aggressively pursuing alternative fuels?
They are, you hear it all the time in the State of the Union speech.
They know about corn oil and other vegetable oils to use as fuel. Its up to the people themselves to turn around and use them as well though.
Because the president thinks that the anti-christ will reveal himself soon and that when all of the chaos happens fuel won't be available anyway.
Because research costs money. The government is living in the moment, not looking into the future. Although the inital loss of money could be great, it would easily be repaid in a better environment. They say the children of today are the future, so they may believe that the money should be used to better their generation before moving on. After all, Iraq has been dubbed %26quot;our childrens childrens war.%26quot; The governmetn does not want to have there funding cut to make a better future that they might not see.
There are many companies that are actively pursuing alternative fuels. The problem is that the big oil companies are buying out these smaller companies for millions of dollars more than they are worth.
Well lets see because the US government is not responsible for providing us our energy sources.
let's see, the Bush family money comes from oil and many of the Bush family friends are in the oil business. any questions?
cheney wont let them
Same reason that the interstates and highways keep getting wider instead of public mass transit systems (trains and busses) being built. (A real problem here in Atlanta- they're widening I75 from 4 lanes to 23! don't forget, atlanta is already laid with miles and miles of unused rails. the one train that runs , in dawsonville i think, is always full every trip proving that atlantans WOULD use such a system if it were in place...)
Politicians have their hands in oil and there fore it benefits their pockets to keep us reliant on gasoline...
I can't begin to imagine why big oil is not pursuing alternative fuels.
Because big oil has our government in their pockets
you got to be kidding, with an oil president at the helm??