Saturday, 24 September 2011

[Ramadan] How To Love In Islam?

Again sorry it might be a little long but half of this community answers pretty lame questions, consider learning something instead of promoting your thoughts about an obvious question.




How to love someone

Since love among the believers is a condition of faith in Islam, the peace and harmony that is desired by all can be achieved, as each individual strives to do good and earn reward. So, what can we do? How can we be sure that our friendships are for the sake of Allaah? Our lives are full of opportunities to increase and improve our friendships. First, as with any undertaking, we need to make clear, pure and sincere intentions. Pertaining to the existing friendships that we already have, we should make a conscious effort to love our friends for the sake of Allaah. When we make friends in the future, we should also make conscious intentions that those new friendships will be for the sake of Allaah.

After a pure intention, we need sincere actions. The Prophet recommended a very simple but significant way to help Muslims gain brotherhood saying: %26quot;I swear y the One in Whose hands my soul is, you will not enter Paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another. Shall I not tell you of something that if you do it, you will love one another? Spread salaam [greeting one another saying: As-Salaam Alaykum] amongst yourselves.%26quot; [Muslim] Greeting each other frequently and lovingly is the first step to achieving the ideal brotherhood.

It would seem that greeting another with %26quot;As-Salaam Alaykum%26quot; is an easy action. However, given the nature of men and women and our vulnerability to changing emotions, sometimes these simple words are hard to utter. In other words, there are times when even this simple greeting is hard to say to someone with whom we might have argued. The beauty of Islam is that it is realistic. So, it is allowed for us to take time to %26quot;cool off,%26quot; but we are not allowed to cut off friendships based on rash and unreasonable emotions. The Prophet said, %26quot;It is not permissible for a Muslim to be abandon from his brother for more than three days, both of them turning away from one another when they meet. The better of them is the one who is first to greet the other.%26quot; [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]

These teachings encourage Muslims to improve themselves, thereby improving their society. %26quot;Do not break off ties with one another, do not turn away from one another, do not hate one another, and do not envy one another. Be O slaves of Allaah brothers.%26quot; [Al-Bukhaari]

The Prophet's memory and words live in our hearts and minds. Heeding his advice, we should realize that we are supposed to be brothers or sisters in Islam because we share a common religion and belief. We are to be brothers and sisters in our hearts because we share a common goal-Allaah's pleasure.

I only been in this section for a very limited amount of time, but I have people I can trust and ask favors and they never let me down, this is also part of the Love for the sake of Allah and which it can achieve us, and way beyond. I can't tell you who you are.?I can only love you and be your friend.

May Allah Make It Easy In Whatever We Do


--Next post is about Parents And how there level in Islam.—

We cannot progress if we do not learn. And in today's world, fast-changing technology has created a global village that makes the learning process easy. In the world of satellites and the Internet, we cannot feign ignorance. That in itself would be a crime. I am not saying that we should become imitators. We should, however, tailor ideas and methods to our needs, altering parameters to fit our culture, traditions, and ideology. Our capacity to improvise creatively will be the deciding factor in differentiating us from those societies that have yet to become successful.

It is here that we should follow our Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) and set an example so that others will truly appreciate the philosophy of our ideology and abide by the example of the greatest of all people. Let us teach ourselves and our children and make them aware of the life of the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) and use it as an example in our daily lives in order that we may improve our conduct and become better human beings.

Let us all pray that in the Hereafter we will have a chance to be near our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him).
[Ramadan] How To Love In Islam?

Good article.My answer will be a bit long too.

We should love every thing for Allah Almighty’s sake and in the name of His love. For example, to love delicious foods and luscious fruits as being the bounty of Allah Almighty, the All-Merciful and Compassionate One, is to love His Names of All-Merciful and Bestower of Bounties, and, moreover, takes on the meaning of thanks.

Furthermore, love and respect for parents, when for the sake of the wisdom and mercy that compassionately fitted you out and caused them to bring you up with tender care, pertain to Allah Almighty’s love.

And, to love and protect children with perfect compassion and tenderness because they are gifts of the All-Compassionate and Generous One once again pertains to Allah.

As for friends and acquaintances, if they are friends of Allah Almighty by reason of their belief and good works, according to the meaning of ‘love for Allah’s sake,’ that love, too, pertains to Allah.

Furthermore, love and cherish your wife as a companionable and gracious gift of divine mercy.

And to love the prophets and saints as Allah Almighty’s most esteemed bondsmen is to do so for the sake and in the name of Allah Almighty, and from that point of view it pertains to Him.

And to love and preserve life as most precious wealth and capital that will gain eternal life, and a comprehensive treasury yielding eternal perfections which Almighty Allah has given to you and to all humanity, and to employ it in His service, is, once again, in one respect, love that pertains to the True Object of Worship.

Also, to admire, love and put to proper use the grace and beauty of youth as being a fine, sweet and beautiful bounty of Almighty Allah is a sort of licit and thankful love.

And to love the spring thoughtfully as being the page of the subtlest and most beautiful inscriptions of Almighty Allah’s luminous Names and the most finely adorned and glittering exhibition of the All-Wise Maker’s antique art is to love His Names.

And to love this world as being the tillage for the hereafter, as a mirror of the Divine Names and a missive of Allah Almighty, and as a temporary guest-house, on condition that the evil-commanding soul does not interfere, is to do so for Allah Almighty’s sake.

In short: Love this world and the creatures in it as pointing to a meaning beyond themselves, like a word. Do not love them just for themselves. Say, “How beautifully they have been made.” Do not say, “How beautiful they are.” Do not give any opportunity to other loves to enter into your inner heart because the inner heart is the mirror of the Eternally Besought One and pertains only to Him. Say, “O Allah, grant us love for You, and love for that which will draw us closer to You.”

Jazakallah Khair!
[Ramadan] How To Love In Islam?
islamic love is strapping a bomb to your chest even when you dont want to. Or beating your wife like a mule.

whatever just dont BLOW things out of proportion. sorry but i developed a good understanding of the cruelty exibited twords women by muslim men when i was in iraq(usmc) horible just barbaric to treat your women as slaves and servants. we used to beat the hell out of guys when we would see them hit their wife or daughters. so its how ever you want to take it, i dont really care.

%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;15 confirmed terminated terrorists only wish i could have got more. ahhh maybe next time.

Need help with a good introduction for my essay?

The thesis for my essay is: The world is changing for the better.

My reasons: technology advances, modern science advances, and the standard of living.

I need a good intro to my essay. Anyone have any ideas?
Need help with a good introduction for my essay?
Our standard of living has become much easier

since the days of our ancestors.

Good Luck ! Sounds like your essay is

going to be interesting !
Need help with a good introduction for my essay?
Statistics are always a good attention grabber. For example, you can start your essay this way:

%26quot;Since 1900, the average lifespan has increased by 20 years. Poverty has decreased by 15%. The percentage of people graduating from high school has increased by 20%. Thus, the world is changing for the better.%26quot;

Now verify the statistics or use others. Include the reasons for the statistics. For example, life spans have increased because of advances in medicine.

How does Al Gore plan on 'stabilizing the world population' via his Global Marshall Plan?

This is from his book Earth in the Balance. (Unfortunately the Global Marshall Plan website is in German....I think)

Global Marshall Plan: Five strategic goals %26quot;In my view, five strategic goals must direct and inform our efforts to save the global environment%26quot;:

* stabilizing of world population

* the rapid development of environmentally appropriate technologies

* a comprehensive change in the economic %26quot;rules of the road%26quot; by which we measure the impact of our decisions on the environment

* negotiation %26amp; approval of a new generation of international agreements

* a cooperative plan for educating the world's citizens about our global environment.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
How does Al Gore plan on 'stabilizing the world population' via his Global Marshall Plan?
There are a few ways to stabilize population. First, birth control accessibility. Second, increase income levels in poor countries - higher incomes are associated with low birthrates. Third, encourage countries to offer basic human rights to women.

Gore is for all of these things... arent you?
How does Al Gore plan on 'stabilizing the world population' via his Global Marshall Plan?
he doesn't. he just wants to make as much cash as possible
the world is way over populated

1 billion people go to bed hungry every night. We could get just as much done in the world with far less people.

What will be the ultimate result of modern instantaneous and impersonal media and technology?

Don't you miss going to buy CD's or going to the arcade and and just hanging out all day when you were a kid? Don't get me wrong, it's awesome what we can do now. I'm just wondering how it will change society and the world eventually.
What will be the ultimate result of modern instantaneous and impersonal media and technology?
yeah, i do miss going to the arcade and watching geniuses go at it at Killer Instinct and SFII...i think the most profound technological 'leap' in my lifetime has been the cloning thing...i think they say they can clone people now? and not just that, but dna can be sequenced so that you can actually pick and choose what characteristics you want in the cloned 'kid'...i find this kind of disturbing and euphoric at the same time. Euphoric, because what if cloning got so standardized and cheap that you could clone yourself a personal Jessica Alba or something. Dont say you wouldnt at least contemplate buying one. And disturbing because thoughts like the one i just founded regarding Jessica Alba might one day be real. We'll have a mass market of human beings...i mean, we kinda have that now with the whole human trafficking and sex slave thing, and i think its pretty much agreed that that is a horrible what will the effects be when people are made into another mass produced commodity??? Im not sure that there are any models that would even come close to predicting how that occurrence would change everything.
What will be the ultimate result of modern instantaneous and impersonal media and technology?
The ultimate result is the merger of man and machine to the point that eventually man will be all machine. There will be no man eventually. It is called evolution. Evolution has now taken on a conscious form and we are driving it through the production of new technology. Eventually the machine will think as we do, and surpass us. Our brain is nothing more than an organic computer with electrical impulses, just like a machine. This should not necessarily be seen as something horrible. We are insuring the continuation of autonomous life through the creation of beings who will be far better suited to cope with the inevitable harshness of the future environment.
I agree it's awesome but it seems people have shorter and shorter attention spans and shorter and shorter tempers... for a short answer. We want everything ..yesterday! will be encapsulated within a hi tech module 24/7 and be happy...
if you said %26quot;brilliant media%26quot; you would want to know how %26quot;brilliant' it was gonna be. By saying %26quot;impersonal%26quot; you are telling me you have decided it is depersonalizing society, so you have already given yourself your answer.
G The effect is already here. The morons, of all educational classes, just walk blithely along, aware of only the little screen and sounds. Sameness is upon us more than it ever was. The uniqueness is disappearing.
  • computer boots runs slow
  • hair highlights
  • What is the true value of American traditions?

    So many conservatives speak with righteous pride of preserving traditions and I'm not sure I understand why that is so valuable when the world is changing with increased population and advancements in technology.

    For example, for decades many American traditions such beliefs as:

    %26quot;A woman's place is in the home%26quot;.

    %26quot;It's alright to pollute rivers and streams for the sake of business%26quot;.

    %26quot;Owning another human being is a right, it's what our economy is based on%26quot;.

    How does anyone know what %26quot;traditional%26quot; beliefs are meant to be preserved and which are just fear of change?
    What is the true value of American traditions?
    Right now most of their actions are, in my opinion, are because of fear of change. I see no benefits coming from most of the things they are trying to protect.

    Traditional marriage - what benefits will come with only men and women being allowed to marry. It's like that now in most states and i see no benefits.

    Keeping prostitution illegal - i agree. When people express themselves sexually, unwisely, they endanger the general masses by helping to spread many diseases.

    Against teaching sex based education - what a load of bull. Abstinence is a joke and MOST teenagers do have sex way before marriage.
    What is the true value of American traditions?
    so, you pick themes that have NOTHING to do with the constitution or personal freedom and complain about them?? The values of America have NOTHING to do with the things you mentioned my friend. sorry. Swing and a miss.....
    Your a retard. Learn your history. Conservatives stopped slavery. Nothing wrong with a mother raising their children. We will be speaking Chineese soon because they open a new coal power plant every week. Go live in california please.

    Mike lives in California and is currently smoking the medical mary jane. Surprised you could even hit they keys. Keep reading your own headlines and ignoring history. Were almost what you want, 1970's USSR
    quagmire has my vote.

    They're like all those pictures of their grandkids they have in the garage. They're merely sentimental and hardly ever reconsidered once they've been developed.
    Oh yes the traditional American values: The values %26quot;conservatives%26quot; want to %26quot;conserve.%26quot;







    gender discrimination






    what will we do in this world when the people that hate the best are gone. Those Conservative who show every day how precious life is by killing innocent civilians in pursuit of Precious resources from other nations. The smell of burning flesh, amputee kids, police brutality. Oh!! these days, lets never forget them. lets never forget the great humanitarian conservatives, who starve other nations so that we can buy all the material things we desire but don't need.


    not surprise you would agree with his statement based on others you have made. I guess it suits you well to be a bigot. But hey to each its own, enjoy while you can.

    White power, white power , white power !!! LMAO
    It's not the traditions of the Middle East or Africa or South America. You need to go live in some sh*thole country that does nothing to better itself but has indoctrinated hatred of white Americans.
    Conservatives supported slavery? I was under the impression Abe Lincoln was a conservative. need to read more. And do conservatives don't like change? that is a slogan that was created by the Woodrow Wilson (a republican mind you) administration, the administration reponsible for killing capitalism in this country. Conservatives were the reason women were able to get out of the homes by encouraging the growth of factories. And have you ever noticed that the word conservative comes from the infinitive to conserve. To conserve lakes, streams, enviroment, but not in a manner where logic is thrown out the window such as a Carbon Tax on whosoever breaths. Personally, I am one conservative that is all for change in this country, considering the mess the liberals have managed to drive it to in the last few months.

    What were the changes in trade patterns and technology in the years 1470-1750 CE?

    what were the changes in trade patterns and technology in the years 1470-1750 CE? for Europe, America, world, any countrys
    What were the changes in trade patterns and technology in the years 1470-1750 CE?
    Basically what changed throughout this period was the mindsets of the people in military and trade professions. Exploration and colonization brought increased world trade and competition between world powers. This sudden spike in world exploration can be attributed to first the crusades and the search for the treasures of the east, but is later brought about by the travels of Marco Polo and the writings of many renaissance writers glorifying the east. Exploration and colonization soon provided the raw materials for these world powers to begin manufacturing other goods therefore, spurning advancements in technology. The Great Enlightenment which emphasized the importance of science and new technologies ultimately led to the Industrial Revolution.

    Funding for a new Innovative Company that can change the world.?

    My main question is...

    Where can i find companies that can provide funding for a new company that will practically innovate different technologies in our daily lives? My research is completely high tech and promises a cheaper and longer future in our world. Maybe research companies might be able to help?

    Any ideas anyone?
    Funding for a new Innovative Company that can change the world.?
    Anybody going to invest in a venture innovative in nature try to be convinced that it will be economically viable and technically feasible.

    Your lab tests may firstly been patented,so that any proposal can not avade your claim over the product.

    You may then consult a technical person for its commercial production planning and examine economy of the project yourself.

    Thirdly you may approach a Bank for finance taking precautions for suitable management of the project in all respect.

    Wish you a very successful project and good fortune.
    Funding for a new Innovative Company that can change the world.?
    Apply for a loan at your bank.
    TV Dragon Den or Angel Investors.

    How have computer technology changed over the last ten years?

    what new inventions have made computers necessary in the world?
    How have computer technology changed over the last ten years?
    How have computer technology changed over the last ten years?
    People's jobs require them to use computers as well as many schools.

    How do you think the world will change in 100 years?

    what major differences do you think will occur in the next 100 years?

    for example

    1. nuber of people

    2. the way we use technology (scientists will probably make a sattelite that will go to other solar systems)

    3. the way military uses wepons

    4. globabl warming

    5. internet

    6. buildings, cars, other things like that

    7. prices for items ( gas )

    8. the way we get our food
    How do you think the world will change in 100 years?
    In 100 years...

    we will begin to explore outer space to a geater degree than ever before. We will more than likely have something like a colony on the moon, maybe even Mars, or maybe even several planets. With the rate at which it takes the space agencies to get a mission together, we will probably just be seeing the beginnings of deep space exploration. More than likely it will just be satellites and a few manned reconaissance missions.

    the population of the Earth will be peaking, if not already beyond its capacity. We will begin to colonize areas of land that we once deemed inhabitable, and we will begin to increase our city densities to try to take in an ever growing population. Food will begin to become scare, but by hat point, we wll have come up with many new ways to ncrease food productivity. As a comparison, world population figures after WW II in the 1940's are estimated at about 2.2 billion people. Now, we are over 6 billion. If this rate continues, then theoretically in 100 years, we could have upwards of 30 billion or more people if the planet was able to sustain that many. Of course, our technology would improve allowing us to sustain many more than 6 billion, but 30 billion is a stretch. It would probably stabilize somewhere around 10 billion or so due to increased efficiency of resources, but that can only go so far.

    technology will be also unconceivable to us now. Even at this present day, it is making considerable leaps and bounds month to month. By the time you buy that state of the art computer and get it home, it is already outdated. Hard drive capacities will no longer be masured in Gigabytes, but probably in petabytes or exobytes by this time. Of course with modern %26quot;disc%26quot; type hard drives, they can only go so far, but in 100 years, we will have come up with a new way to store massive amounts of data. Our technology will also allow us to live longer than ever before. Life expectancies will go up for most of the world, but there will also still be horrible poverty. The old saying of %26quot;the rich get richer and the poor get poorer%26quot; will still be there as this never changes because of human nature. Our medical technology will be beyond belief. We will find cures to old diseases and new diseases will come along that will baffle us.

    it is not inconceivable that wars will be fought on a different medium: online. Though soliders and guns will always be with us, the majority of the fighting by this point will be in the digital form with countries attacking each other for electronic wealth. Even today we are seeing an increase in the amout of cyber attacks and terrorism spread through the use of computers. Once the older generations begin to die out and people are born into the world with no knowledge of living without a computer, the world as a whole will begin to become more tech savy. No longer will businesses be controlled by %26quot;old timers%26quot; who believe the computer is just a necessary evil to keep doing business in this world, but a new generation of corporate executives will be in place who embrace and help to advance technology, even if for their own means.

    global warming will be at an all time high. Our ozone will be next to nothing and we will still continue to dump polutants into our atmosphere in order to increase our productivity. However, it is not beyond belief that by this point we wil have wised up and began to combat the problem of global warming. In order to do so, it would take a major catastrophy in order to unite the world to take action. It is a rare thing for humanity as a whole to make any kind of major change unless it is an absolute necessity. This means that a great event could have occurred that would have meant the death or displacement of many millions if not billions of people. Entire cities could have been wiped out, and entire countries devastated.

    the Internet will be an animal that we would not recognize. By then, technology will allow us to interact with cyberspace in entirely new ways. Cities, countries, and perhaps even the world would be wired and every person connected to everyone else. No longer would web pages be needed. The Internet could literally become the true %26quot;virtual%26quot; exprience that many claim it is today. Because of human nature, it is ikely that sex will still be its primary global use. However,because of our advances, sex on the Internet will be so much more than merely cybering. With advances in hardware as well as software, it is possible that cybersex could well be close to the real thing. After all, nothing sells like sex and if it takes sex to motivate the development of the Internet as we know it, then that is what will happen.

    buildings are going to grow taller, stronger, and more efficient. Many will begin to utilize new advances in construction and materials to make them safer and more efficient, allowing them to leave a smaller footprint both economically and in the environment. As land space is often limited, many cities will have no where to go but up. Historic buildings will be kept, but many will be torn down because their previous construction makes them too inefficient for modern needs. Current record setting buildings like the former Twin Towers of the World Trade Center will be common place. Apartment complexes and cheap living will be the norm. People will be less and less able to afford 1300 sq ft homes on 1/4 acre of land. There will simply be too many people and not enough space. Cars will have made leaps and bounds by this point. Our supplies of petroleum and oil will have long since run out or be in such short supplythat we will have been forced to come up with alternative fuels. Change will have been slow with world governments only making small necessary changes at a time. It will have begun with things like hybrids, but even this was not enough. Eventually alternative fuels were needed and ours cars by this point will be running on fuel that is many times cleaner than gasoline. Advances in automotive technology will also have made our automobiles far more efficient. Cars will last longer, they will make better use of their fuel, and they will be lighter and more compact.

    gas prices will be high due to inflation and economics, but with the advent of alternative fuels, it will not be an issue anymore. The real worry would be about prices for food. This is one area in which all living things cannot do without. Everyting from bacteria to human beings need to eat. With a growing world population, food will be in great demand and short supply. Humanity will be looking for new ways to incease food production and make current food supplies better able to feed the masses.

    the way we get our food would probably not be all that different. We would still have grocery stores and places to go to get it. Families and people would still need to go shopping and purchase it. The only problem would be the cost as it would be in shorter supply than ever before.

    All in all, anything is possible. It is even possible that the world could end up virtually destroying itself and/or civilization as we know it. In the end %26quot;only time will tell%26quot; as to what the Earth and we as humanity will really be like. In any event and no matter what happens, we as a human race will do what we do best, survive. Humans, by nature, are not hardwired to just die. We have the brains, will, and desire to continue our existance and will do so to the utmost of our ability.
    How do you think the world will change in 100 years?
    I think it will depend on what happens with global warming if that isn't too bad I'd say the world would still be ticking over with technology slowly progressing. More sustainable ways of getting and using energy would have to be being used. Population will increase a bit but not hugely because educated socially secure couples tend to have less kids.

    If global warming is really bad and the sea rises and there are drought and floods and all the other things that have been predicted then the world will be in chaos and there will be mass migrations, starving, war etc as displaced people battle to survive on a changing planet.
    everyone will have a flying car, but the world will be ran by apes

    name the movie
    1. number of people

    small sparse cities 6-8,000 very spread out probably less than 16th the earth's current population

    2. the way we use technology (scientists will probably make a sattelite that will go to other solar systems)

    a higher technology will negate the mechanics of the technology you talk about

    3. the way military uses wepons

    only for maintaining civil control, including roving bands of nomads

    4. globabl warming

    non-existent as is it is today, the poles will melt and reform as necessary 1630 was actually a much hotter year and 545 was extremely cold we are only in a cycle

    5. internet

    wireless everywhere for those that haven't adapted telepathically

    6. buildings, cars, other things like that

    low buildings only a few cars mostly EMS types, people will walk or use public transportation such as tubes

    7. prices for items ( gas )

    antique and quaint ideas for the time, only historians will know or care

    8. the way we get our food

    large greenhouses with their own climate, people will live close to their food source

    9. religion

    unified and subsidized by the recognized governments

    10. education

    people will be taught to read and write in glyphs as it conveys a truer meaning with fewer marks

    11. ecosystem

    the ecosystem will have rebounded from the natural calamities of 2029 and 2036

    12. racial makeup

    amazingly it will be Indians of the Americas that rises to the top quickest, enough have remembered or recorded the old ways for posterity, they survived were most did not,

    other that that because of the genetic breakdown we have seen over the last 35 years people will tend to breed pure and not blend because medical science cannot overcome the genetic inferiority caused by blending

    13. society as a whole

    the spiritual nature of mankind will be recognized by all and accepted without question, society will constructed around these norms. Some now call it a devolution but those living then will think we are cherish, irresponsible and egotistical.

    14. aliens

    that is a good one, people will find out that 'we are they', religions were formated after examples from the 'first inhabitants'

    15. who rules?

    it will be a technocratic society, those that are able to decipher the old texts will rule by virtue that they are the holders of knowledge. The world infrastructure will have been so decimated that there is no major knowledge base and what there is will be dispersed throughout the world. the keepers of the knowledge are old and die faster before they can instill knowledge into large groups of people. It takes time the world recovers and remembers the mistakes of Atlantis and Babylon.
  • pets
  • dynamic editing
  • Modern Technology and Social changes contributing to AIDS?

    Aids is not a new disease, just new to the Western world. HIV probably originated in centeral Africa and may have been infecting humans for decades. In what ways might modern technology and social changes contribute to the emergence of viruses that make new epidemics like AIDS possible?
    Modern Technology and Social changes contributing to AIDS?
    Besides people taking advantage of changes in moral attitudes, technology would aid in better methods of travel which would bring a better mix of ideas and cultures together.
    Modern Technology and Social changes contributing to AIDS?
    Nature handles the emergence of new diseases, not technology. Transportation technology enables wider spread of disease but in other diseases technology has vastly decreased spread... far fewer people die of infectious disease now than at anytime in human history.

    Is this a decent thesis and what is the term for blackberries, laptops and computers?

    My essay is on how technology has changed the business world.

    Advancements in communication, office technology and the Internet have become necessary tools that have revolutionized the vast world of commerce.
    Is this a decent thesis and what is the term for blackberries, laptops and computers?
    You need to narrow it down a bit. The word %26quot;vast%26quot; makes your thesis seem endless. Try something shorter like %26quot;Advancements in business technology have become vital to the success of the commerce industry.%26quot;

    Does anyone know how microchips evolved from valve technology, what was inbetween?

    I remember seeing Tomorrows World when Micheal Rod showed an early one in the 70's %26amp; he said it would change the world, but where it came from???
    Does anyone know how microchips evolved from valve technology, what was inbetween?
    I suppose you reffer to semiconductor diodes or valves, as opposed to electron tube valves. Actually, they do the same thing to electricity as a normal valve would do to a fluid - that is allow it to pass in only one sense - from minus to plus.

    The TRANSISTOR evolved from the valve and was destined to replace the TRIODE TUBE. The transistor is actually a regulating or piloted valve. Besides the two electrodes there is now a third one, controlling how much the valve is %26quot;opened%26quot; to electric current. This results in the fact that, with a low current applied on the %26quot;pilot%26quot; one could %26quot;regulate%26quot; the amount of current passing through the transistor. This resulted in amplification, one of the most important applications of transistors. Many such transistors, diodes, condensers and resistors were soldered to an insulating piece of material (textile reinforced bachelite was the first one - called textolite) and were joined in between with little strips of copper. That was the printed circuit, thus called because it was obtained by silkscreen printing. Even today it is the base for all our electronic equipment. Most every piece of electronic equipment will contain at least one printed circuit. Printed circuits containing valves and transistors were used in the 60's to power the first industrial grade electronic computers, used to control machines and tools. Later on, starting in the 60's, scientists (Apollo programme had a great part in catalysing this) developed small circuits containing miniaturized transistors, and the necessary circuitry to connect them on a single %26quot;chip%26quot; of silicone. As technology developped they were able to shrink more and more transistors in a small area. Already in 1974, such circuits contained more than 10.000 transistors on a 5 x 5 mm chip of silicone. As densities grew more and more, they were able to %26quot;shrink%26quot; entire computers on one chip. Therefore, they produced the first microprocessors, programmable chips that could perform multiple functions. After that, it all became smaller and smaller. And YES! They DID change our lives, in ways that were almost impossible to imagine even in the early 70's: Mobile phone, flat TVs, personal computers, Internet, GPS. None of these would have been possible without circuit integration and microprocessors
    Does anyone know how microchips evolved from valve technology, what was inbetween?
    valves evolved into transistors.
    It didn't really evolve from the transistor. It does the same job, but it came from a whole different line of research - research specifically to replace the valve.
    I don't think Michael Rod had his facts straight.鈥?/a>
    Transistors and printed circuits, wonderful innovation, so

    easy to work on if they developed a problem.
    Area 51 was in between
    valve, transistor, microchip...

    its called technological development....

    just look at computer development in the last 50 years.... and remember, 50 years ago we didnt even have motorways...
    transistors were in between.

    A valve can be used as an amplifier or a switch

    So can a transistor

    A good qualty valve stereo amp has still that much better quality sound than any transistor amplifier

    Basicaly a transistor is made from silicon,,some germanium

    A simple transistor has three legs

    These are called base, emitter, and collector

    When you apply a small current to the base a much larger collector emitter curren flows.

    Transistors took over the role off valves because of their size..(amonstst other things)

    Now itegrated circuits took over from transistors..well in a way they did.( a lot of times you need trannies as well.)

    cause they are mostly made of silicon to.. but you can cram a lot of transistors into a small package.

    this is known as the silicon chip.

    you can etch one hellua lot of transistors onto one chip.

    A standard CPU will contain millions of transistors etched onto a thin piece of silicon.

    give me a break am gettin thumbs down for correct answer

    what child is judging this...

    In general, are today's children better able to cope with today's life/world?

    The world has changed: more inventions, more technology, more knowledge, etc. However, are today's children better able to cope with today's life/world compared to the children from 10, 20, 30, etc. years ago?

    That above is the main question, but some questions to think about when you answer me are: Are today's children more spoiled? Are they better able to fend for themselves? Are they lazier with so much technology? Are they smarter because of technology?
    In general, are today's children better able to cope with today's life/world?
    I think kids are more spoiled, less independent and unable to cope for themselves they are more lazy and I think they are smart in some new areas but falling way behind in others.

    I think that technology has made them more lazy but the biggest problem I see is that parents give in to much to their kids and they do not allow them to fail or make bad decisions because they are overprotective.
    In general, are today's children better able to cope with today's life/world?
    I don't think they will be able to be ready to cope and live in today's world, because of all the technology, We have TO much technology, which does increase laziness, and obesiety. It can help them gain mroe knowledge, but what teen would use technology for that? To be honest, I really don't use technology to help me gian knowledge, unless I stumble upon it myself, hehe, but that's just me. This is my answer.
    i think it's a lot harder to grow up in today's world.. there's a lot more pressure on these kids nowadays than when I was growing up

    technology wise.. i think that makes life a little easier for all of us
    JES.. Def

    Children today muture much faster than previous generations.

    Prev gen people dit have kids (on average) much younger than today but they dit not have the resposibilities that poeple at a young age have today
    Children are much more savvy to inventions and technogy than we were, because so much is happening so fast. Thus, they relate to new SDRAM or DDR RAM as you did to a %26quot;Shoop Shoop%26quot; Hula Hoop, except that was the last version of the hula hoop and in took seven years to manifest itself. Today, I-net ping times and I-net content are manifestly increased in just seven months rather than 7 years. The difference is, you can still own a 1970's hula hoop, but do you still own a version of %26quot;Cave%26quot; that was written before MSDOS?
    I think that %26quot;today's kids%26quot; are coping with %26quot;today's issues%26quot; much in the same way that %26quot;yesterday's kids%26quot; coped with %26quot;yesterday's issues%26quot;. They are no more %26quot;capable%26quot; or %26quot;smarter%26quot; or whatever than kids were 20 years ago. Each generation has it's own sets of %26quot;real problems%26quot;, technological breakthroughs, social issues, etc. to deal with. I don't believe that kids today are really %26quot;more spoiled%26quot; than kids from any older generation. (It's funny though, that adults from every generation are always %26quot;quite certain%26quot; that %26quot;when they were young%26quot; kids %26quot;respected their elders more%26quot;, %26quot;worked harder%26quot;, %26quot;got by with less%26quot;, and so forth!) Oh yeah- and did I forget to mention %26quot;politicians were more honest%26quot;, and the %26quot;walk to school%26quot; was far longer, the weather was far more %26quot;stormy%26quot;, and people lacked %26quot;warm shoes%26quot; as they plodded barefoot to school- up hill? Ha! One could argue that the technology that exists today has opened up a world that didn't exist really, before now. That may be true. But if you think about it, the %26quot;world%26quot; that existed say, %26quot;before computers%26quot; and such, was definitely %26quot;different%26quot; from today, and yet it presented a %26quot;world%26quot; that was just as difficult in it's own ways for young people to live in, and deal with. Things may change. They always do, and always will. But the inner-workings of people, their ambitions, desires, drives, well- they seem to remain the same. And so do our %26quot;inner tools%26quot; for dealing with the issues of the day.

    I need some ideas added to my story any advice appriciated?

    My story is going to be on a girl who when she was born had a microchip placed in her brain the microship allows her to read other peoples minds

    So I need like a problem or climax with in the storie how could this technology change the world in which we live?

    I need some ideas added to my story any advice appriciated?
    I think more people would be more conscious of what they think and be afraid of what others might say about them and not many new ideas would be presented in the society but it might limit crime because you could see if they were going to break the law or stab you in the back. All-in-All I think it would be neutral with no progress but with no setbacks or crime or anything.
    I need some ideas added to my story any advice appriciated?
    interesting sci-fi starting point! (one of my favorites is: literary exchange thoughts) I'd like to know: is the girl otherwise 'normal', does she think/respond like everyone else, have a mind of her own? and: does she know more than the people whose mind she reads, I mean: sometimes I'm not really aware of what's on my mind and when someone would be able to read my mind they would know more (about me and my mind) than I do. and about your big question: if we could all read each others minds we would be in shock and angry at first but then realise we are so much the same, all struggling to have the best life so we would be understanding and loving. guess it makes the world a better place because there's total honesty.
    you could have the girl be in hiding kind of, like witness protection program type hiding because some evil group or person wants to harness her power to give to the world or just their group or something, and the person who put the chip in her could be her dad or grandpa or something and they were captured or killed.. i think killed is better. but i think it should be just her and maybe a brother who can protect her or something. every now and then she should have seizure like episodes where she freaks out because voices are screaming in her head because the chip wasn't perfect yet and malfunctions. and maybe she falls in love with someone who's mind she cant read for some plot twisting reason (kind of like in twilight) at the end someone important should die.

    hope thats a good enough plot starter :]
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  • What is the next Big technological advancement that will change our world.?

    We have just started a new century and almost all technology I see is just an innovations off a technology built like the combustion engine, or the telephone.

    Has anyone made the a simple version of the next big thing?

    Like a machine that neutralizes momentum, or eliminates or lessens the effect of gravity?

    source plz
    What is the next Big technological advancement that will change our world.?
    How about genetics? It is certainly a technological advancement and it has the potential to revolutionize much about our world, some for the better and some not.

    Nano-technology is another. The physical and chemical properties of materials can be very much different for nano scale structures than what we are used to with %26quot;normal%26quot; matls.

    How about computer technology. ICs are becoming faster, computer memory is getting larger, computer signal transfer is getting faster with fiber optic and wireless technology.

    The high energy physics realm continues to expand our understanding of the fundamental forces of the universe. Researching the unknown is cool because you really and truly don't know what you will find. That's the way science is.
    What is the next Big technological advancement that will change our world.?
    So you want to steal my idea huh???

    neutralize momentum = opposing force

    lessen gravity = wings

    hahaha.. I know what you're trying to say, but it sounds like you want a machine that gives us the ability to defy the laws of physics.... It doesn't prove Newton wrong, but maybe you should check out nanocrystal displays. Yes, you may consider it nothing more than an innovation off of a TV screen, but its so much more. Nanocrystal displays are flexible and very thin, maybe you could change the color of your car while driving down the road... They work with nanoparticles whose size can be changed resulting in different colors.
    Spectrological vassicators.

    Don't ask me what they are. They haven't been invented yet.

    (Well, *somebody* had to!)

    How to fulfill your daily life with more meaningful?

    After living for 23 years as a human, I feel that I have experience a lot of thing in past 23 years. I can see the tremendous changing on technology and development of the world.

    Since we have too many stuff in the world, our desires will increase day by day. We always want to experience and know more about the new stuff, new place and new experience. But we can not make our time to do so much of thing. In order to live in the competitive world, we need to know more and more thing. If not, we will lag behind.

    Have you look back and realize what have you do for your daily life. Do you really fulfill your daily life with meaningful activity? Do you feel that you are keep procrastinate? Do you feel that you have waste most of your time to do low yield job?

    Share your experience on your daily life schedule and how you fulfill your everyday life.


    Thanks and have a nice days.
    How to fulfill your daily life with more meaningful?
    Well, my answer will not be very long, but after 59 years, I find that doing worthwhile work that I enjoy--i.e. being a librarian-- helps give my life meaning. I realize that work is not everything, but it does occupy a quarter to a third of the average adult's life, so it is an important chunk of time.

    When will we be up to date with current technology?

    If we think about it, currently we live in a world of great advancement of science and technology. We have the technology to travel to outer space not to mention observe great parameter of universe. Also, the day to application of technology in travel, transportation and other day to day life has improved significantly also. The health technology is at a level, where painful surgery and method of treatment is being replaced by better ones....

    At the same time, we see countries and fraction of groups are at war against each other in the name of religion, or other %26quot;label%26quot; they like to give themselves. We see great amount of death and destruction is caused by people. We see years of buildings and development being brought down to dust, just because of some political interest.

    My question isn't there a PEACE FULL way to resolve our conflicts? I know some people have the %26quot;dog%26quot; like mentality to think it's impossible to coexist with others, and destruction is the ultimate way!!!! I personally think it's just our inferiority of mentality. If we can work on making ourselves better, psychologically, a lot of our problems will go away. We are human for god sakes! We have the quality to judge in constructive way and improving each one of us personally thus making the world better in return...

    If you think about it, all the greatest invention of the world(electricity, plain, ship or others) are actually contributions of some great few minds. Of course their ideas were commercialized and mass produced to make it work. But my point is if only a handful of people have the compatibility to make the world a better place, why can't we as a group or nation learn to be more tolerant and progressive? Instead of being scared of others?

    Am I being too general? Lets just consider world history:

    (a) World War II - Nazi Germany goes against Jews, and the whole world gets into a destructive mode!

    (b) Now in Middle east, there are still war going on

    (c) USA now is always on alert with war against %26quot;terrorism%26quot; or sometimes against the muslim. And this is not really something new. USA was an arch enemy of Soviet russia before. As a matter of fact, the power of talibans or afgan fractions was a result of US policy

    (d) The asians region also has conflict. Hindus against muslims and so on.

    (e) A major part of the world now has nuclear power, just as a result of previous animosity. And it's a very risky business. It doesn't take much nuclear weapons to destruct the whole world!!

    Ok, so that's definitely a scary picture. So my question is, why can't we raise our children or make it mandatory in schools and college, to make ourselves better personally? Through the power of meditation, psycho analysis and so on, we can definitely change ourselves positively and turn the world into a better place in return....

    Definitely, the technology is way past in race in front of us...And we human are still with the back dated mentality that war is the ultimate way....Lets catch up with the blessing of modern technology and make ourselves better. Japan for example, can be an example of being peaceful and advanced country(of course Japan had a violent past also).

    If anyone had the patient to read my article fully please let me know what you think. And if you like what I say, don't keep it to yourself. Please spread. Thanks
    When will we be up to date with current technology?
    I like your thinking.

    The first thing: if you are not already, please begin meditating. For you personally, on the journey you seem to be on, it is essential. If you are interested, send me a message.

    I will offer a few thoughts vis a vis conflict resolution...

    The traditional definition of non-violence may best be provided by Jesus in Matthew 5: %26quot;That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.%26quot;

    Both Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. implemented this approach to violence in grand fashion, assembling large gatherings of people in parades and marches, which were greeted by police violence. When this violence came, they did not respond violently, and many were injured.

    The Dalai Lama in Tibet offers another example. When his temples were being overrun by the Chinese army, he chose to flee rather than fight to preserve them.

    But there is another approach to the concept of non-violence. This approach comes from the martial art Aikido, as I was taught it.

    I was taught that each person has a right to a sacred space around their body. If someone goes to punch you, you have a right to prevent them from hurting you.

    Aikido teaches you to meet an incoming attack with enough force to redirect and neutralize the attack, doing the least amount of damage to *yourself*, those around you, and the attacker as well. This takes tremendous skill, practice, and awareness.

    How does this differ from the %26quot;turn the other cheek%26quot; approach to non-violence? If we apply Jesus' philosophy, and the attacker hits us twice, we are allowing violence to occur: to ourselves! Is this truly non-violent?

    In the Aiki example, we are meeting forceful energy with forceful energy, and if it is done skillfully, *no-one* will be injured. One will dissolve the violent energy before it has a chance to create pain.

    Every time I see violence, two images flash through my mind: the Dalai Lama, and the Aikido master. It is never clear to me which is the most non-violent.


    One of the effects of meditation is one begins to become disidentified from one's thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations. 聽As awareness becomes stronger, one sees that one is not the mind, not the emotions, and not the body. 聽

    If this is true (and I am not asking you to take my word for it -- you can only discover the truth of this statement by meditating yourself!) then the various thoughts, positions, opinions and so forth that you hold will become more fluid. 聽After you have meditated for a while, it is much harder to hold onto a particular mental position, because you see that %26quot;you%26quot; do not own your thoughts, and in fact, %26quot;you%26quot; did not even think of the thoughts.

    Now, one of the main contributors to conflict in a community is the clash of ideas. 聽One group thinks we should spend money on guns, another on butter. 聽One group thinks we should build a two lane highway, one group thinks it should stay one lane. 聽And so on.

    But if we are meditating, our attachment to our opinions loosens, and we are able to truly listen to others more deeply, more openly. 聽It therefore becomes easier to collaborate on finding solutions that work for everyone.

    There is another point. 聽When people sit together and meditate, there is an incredible %26quot;heart-melting%26quot; that happens. 聽One feels love and connectedness with people, even if one has never spoken a word to them. At this point, it is much harder to hurt them...

    What can arts tell us about life that science and technology cannot?

    today,the science and technology have made great changes to people's life,but artists such as musicians, painters, and writers are still highly valued.what can arts tell us about life that science and technology cannot?

    In many countries the proportion of older people is steady increasing.Does this trend have more positive or negative effecs on the soceity?

    some people believe that air travel should be restricted because it causes serious pollutions and uses up the world's fuel resources.Do you agree or disagree?

    some people think history has nothing or little to tell us, but others think that studying the past history can help us better understand the present.give two views and opinion.
    What can arts tell us about life that science and technology cannot?
    What great questions! In my opinion, science and technology demonstrate such things as observations and our own believed principles that exist within and govern this world, such as natural laws and such others. However, artists are still highly valued, for not only do they demonstrate the creativity possessed by mankind, and what people can do with innovation, but they also break away from mortality's chain. They surpass the mortal pales to create something brilliant, and such freedom not known but with creation is valued, and perchance even a bit envied. Life, as told by the artists, is not that of rigid truths, but opportunity and possibility in a myriad of wonderful hues.

    The fact that the proportion of older people steadily increases in other countries, and its effect, depends highly upon how modernized that country and society is. For example, in a third world country with a traditional economic system, the possession of many elders would benefit with knowledge from the past, and ancestral and filial worship to better live enlightened. However, some other countries derive their livelihood and businesses from that of the young population, such as the United States as in electronics, clothing, etc. Yet in both circumstances, it depends on moreso on the proportion of younger people in the country. Without another generation, the population is condemned to wither and gradually fade into history. An older population is valued, but the younger population really determines the future of that civilization.

    In air travel with pollution and consumption of global fuel resources, not necessarily air travel be restricted, but a another fuel source should be instated. Not necessarily that I know what that would be, but we are constricting the atmosphere enough with our seven billion tons of carbon dioxide deposited in the air, but merely from ground activities. Air pollution is much more direct and harmful, and thus might be considered to be restricted until we have a grasp and comprehension, as to what sequence should be followed.

    Yes, two views with that of studying history. Well, ignoring that of history, we wander into the future, and may thus pursue our route unhindered by the knowledge of the events of the past. We can create our own future, and attempt to follow another new road (also, determined on whether or not we would document history after this action). However, it is often stated that those who condemn and neglect history, are condemned themselves to repeat it. It would be wise to study past history, for we can live within this life, with knowledge of history's follies and advantages, and learn from this to implement thoughtful decisions. This course of action will also benefit the future in long-term events.
    What can arts tell us about life that science and technology cannot?
    Arts touches the soul.It's all about human feelings and how they are takes human beings to feel the abstract things which science fails to prove!!!
    Science and techology, thoug in constant evolution, put us in front of continuos limits to win. Art, instead, shows how limits don't exist.
    Walker Percy's 'Message in a Bottle' and 'Lost in the Cosmos' are both good books for your first question. Walker Percy was a novelist (won the National Book Award for 'The Moviegoer'), though you could categorize him as a novelist-philosopher (like Camus, Sartre, etc). 'Lost in the Cosmos' was written after Sagan's 'Cosmos' was so popular. The basic premise is that if science and technology can tell us about everything in the universe, then why do so many people feel 'lost'.
    I think that is more than one question you are asking but i will try to answer the first one.

    I can only say from a personal point of view but for me the Arts show us the style and the sophistication in things whereas science explains what is factual.

    The Arts try i think to show us the spiritual side of human nature.

    I think Irene Vs answer is a good one.
    It is beautiful and worth living.

    Technology of World War 1,2 ??? (airplane, machine gun)?

    1. Compared with earlier guns, what made machine guns so effective?

    2. How did airplanes change the way war was carried out?

    thank you!
    Technology of World War 1,2 ??? (airplane, machine gun)?
    in WWI, the Aeroplanes were only made to observe the battlefield, and rarely engaged in Dogfights. in WWII, they were the backbone of the Pacific Theatre. they were scout planes, they engaged other aeroplanes, ships, and bases, they carried everything to Torpedoes, to 1,000 lbs bombs, to 500 lbs bomblets. it lead to the inventions of some of the most widely know aircraft in the world, like the B-59 Stratofortress, and the P-51 Mustang

    for guns, in WWI, they were mostly Bolt Action rifles, with one shot at a time, and weak and uncontrolable machine guns, but WWII, lit ead to the inventions of more accurate, more powerful, and faster machine guns like the Tommy.
    Technology of World War 1,2 ??? (airplane, machine gun)?
    Airplanes in World War I were more about spying than anything else. In World War II, airplanes delivered a lot of bombs.
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  • Why is it so hard to have people do their part to effect positive change in the world?

    It is easy to make positive change throughout the world. one person can absolutely make the difference in creating a socially aware society and public. I ask that everyone examine what they can do as citizens to help create a responsible and aware society. as i read many questions about global warming it seems that alot of people are uneducated and confused about the issue, the only thing i am advocating is acting socially responsibly and doing what we can to purchase energy efficient appliances, cars, lightbulbs and other inexpensive technologies we all can employ to cut pollution and creat a better world. please post your thoughts ideas and topics to this question along with your simple suggestions on how everyone can do their part in becoming socially aware and responsible and not deny the effects of pollution and global warming have on our world. also share your stories or some of the things you personally have done to cut pollution and increase energy efficiency in your life.
    Why is it so hard to have people do their part to effect positive change in the world? >
    Why is it so hard to have people do their part to effect positive change in the world?
    I'm with, i don't like aerosol cans, i recycle, and i use solar panels on my lights. I am a positive effect, but positive is always surrounded by negatives.
    I will use Global Warming as my example. I hear questions on here all the time; %26quot;What can we do%26quot;? Well, we can ask questions and do nothing, as always. I doubt very seriously people will do anything, but, ask questions.

    I sold my car and bought a Bicycle. Now, how many people who seem so concerned about Global Warming will do what I did? Not!!!! They will ask, what can we do, but, when it truly come to taking a real stand people will do nothing except expect the other person to do it!

    Actually, I sold my car because of gas prices, taxes and insurance, but, what the heck.
    Unfortunately, there are many that only think about the %26quot;what's in it for me%26quot; factor. Case in point, if gas stayed inexpensive, for every person that bought a very fuel effecient vehicle, ten would buy huge SUVs, regardless of whether or not they actually needed them. Those of us who really do care need to not let that discourage us. It's unfortunate that economics has more of an impact than indivudual consciences. This %26quot;be green%26quot; idealogy is really taking off, however, especially now that the media has ran with the ball.
    perhaps this is a better question:

    what is the most popular human trait?

    fear or laziness?
    Just recently, I brought an old garbage can to work to use as a recepticle for recycling all the drink cans and bottles.

    The first question everybody asked me is %26quot;Why?%26quot; and next, %26quot;Why should I do it? What's in it for me?%26quot;

    People sometimes just can't understand how important a simple step like that is. They read the newspapers, National Geographic, even watch the discovery channel....but that seems so far away from what they see as their boring little lives. They need a way for them to feel like they're making a difference in a big time %26quot;Discovery Channel%26quot; way, in their small time lives.

    When they feel important, they will do more.

    I have started bringing all my National Geographic magazines to work, as well as leaving notices and helpful tips on where and how people can recycle their home recycleables. Sure they make ther jokes and snide remarks...but that place filled up that can within a week and nobody can laugh a that.
    because we don't need to be. Global warming is a political issue and a bunch of bs. We live in this fear, but for each scientist who states it is happening, there are just as many who state is insn't.. or at least humans do not cause it. I swear, the sun and oceans are the main causes of the planet warming.. and by the way.. over the past 100 years or so the temp has gone up 1 degree.. this is all cyclical.. you tell me a time when the temp of the planet hasn't changed. it always has and always will change. we get all hyped up about keeping things the same.. well that is impossible.. the natural environment will change the temp of the planet, and it is up to us to adapt to it.. Im all for trying to conserve energy if possible, but this is due to the cost of living.. i use the new lightbulbs because they last longer and will save me money in the long run. i recycle because they offer it here and to reduce the cost of things.. if everyone reads up on this, they will see there is nothing to worry about.. but the media and their democrat buddies just want to scare our society into thinking their is a problem.. global warming is all created as a control factor for our society.
    The problem is blame, people feel you're blaming them for this, so they get defensive.

    You need to encourage the one easy and true benefit to people, that going green saves green.

    Energystar appliances save cash, CFLs save cash, dual flush toilets save cash, even rainbarrels to collect water for gardening save cash.

    People want to do the right thing, but they don't want to feel forced into it.

    If you tell them the monetary incentives, they're more likely to buy it, it's why people shop at places like Wal-Mart after all.
    it isn't that hard for me but it requires a lot of change
    I think you got the right attitude, I've said for forty years that pollution is gonna get us. The first 'ques.' I asked my dad when I was 4yrs old was %26quot;daddy, where does the smoke from all the cars go?%26quot; My dad said %26quot;it just goes away up in the air and is gone.%26quot; I didn't believe him then, but now I wish he were here to see this crap ! I like setting the idiots straight here on Y. A. ! I just started on Y.A. and it's a blast ! No more T.V. ! Remember to say 'GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE' and one of the causes is the warming ! My studies have shown the possibility of 'continetal glaciation' in some areas, that would form in a single season and last for hundereds of years or more . I drive a re-conditioned '85 Honda Prelude 35+mpg and fast ! We use less and re-cycle more !
    we are a narcissistic, self-centered world. look at all the crap thrown at us in commercials and on mtv, on the radio, etc. people have trouble stepping up to the plate if it inconveniences them. please don't be too quick to jump on the global warming bandwagon. Al Gore had to publicly admit that he had to exaggerate to get his point across. this is not true science if it must be exaggerated. you should still do much of the same things, however, but do it with a focus to get us off foreign oil.
    Because were lazy and don't want to change. Humans find it inconvient. We are just going to sit here on our bums watching TV and listening to our iPods untill 1. We do something about it, or 2. When California and other places are gone.....Sad reallly.....
    People will not do their part to stop global warming until it is too late. It is so easy to recycle yet how many people do this? I believe it is the exception rather than the rule. Wake up people! It is later than you think. Get a second trash receptacle for those recyclables and use it.
    Because most people think they cant make a difference.
    A good question from your side.normally the fact is institutions have produced more childrens like you and they also pocess a similar social responsibility.when they grows up their ideas may not be enough to cope with the others.they are not lazy.but they feel shy.even though he shows up, some jokes at him.if you have new ideas or information contact to my e waiting
    because often, as we have seen time and again, the solutions that are proffered usually end up doing more harm to the enviroment and humankind that whatever it was you are the mercury in them dang lightbulbs you are talking about IS going to seep into our water supply, or the banning of ddt, which is the greatest inhumanity to man, and has never been proven to cause any harm to bird shells whatsoever..yet tens of millions have died because some dang hippy wrote a song about it.all those poor africans have died because of that rotten pig joni mitchell and her %26quot;yellow taxi cab%26quot; song...gawd..all you do gooders do is try to bilk the masses into giving all our money to enviromental whackos out to make a buck....YOU MAKE ME WANT TO WRETCH!

    Have you ever read the book "Brave New World" by Aldous huxley?

    If so, did it change your outlook on the world? On how you see technology advancing in the future?

    This book has literaly changed my aspect on the world.
    Have you ever read the book %26quot;Brave New World%26quot; by Aldous huxley?
    No but I'm working my way towards it. I've just finished The Doors of Perception, now working through Heaven and Hell.

    Should I start Island or Brave New World first after HaH?


    Have you ever read the book %26quot;Brave New World%26quot; by Aldous huxley?
    I enjoyed it and thought that advancing technology could possibly lead up to Huxley's ideas. I think technology is important but it also important to set it aside and stay as human as possible and avoid turning into machines and or robots without thoughts and feeling/emotions
    I Read the Book and I Feel Like I now realize how dependent we are on medication and technology. It was a great read and I love Huxley's depiction of the future.

    Technology and its effects?

    Responses to these ideas? Take either side.

    1. Technology has trade offs and benefits and harms society. e.g) cars

    2. Technology has %26quot;winners and losers%26quot; e.g) Bill Gates v.s the man fired because he doesnt understand computers

    3. Technology creates a perspective of the world e.g) Photographers view the world as photos. Techies view the world as data, information, etc.

    4. Technology is ecological (one invention affects the world) e.g) the computers change our entire world

    5. Technology is %26quot;mythic%26quot; (taken as a natural order) e.g) A power outage would render many unable to do anything etc...

    How would you respond to the above ideas? Are they right or do you disagree?

    as a side note, these ideas are form Neil Postman
    Technology and its effects?
    1. Technology has trade offs and benefits and harms society. e.g) cars

    It makes us lazy, but it also offers things like improved health

    2. Technology has %26quot;winners and losers%26quot; e.g) Bill Gates v.s the man fired because he doesnt understand computers

    **** the man fired, he can go pick some crops

    3. Technology creates a perspective of the world e.g) Photographers view the world as photos. Techies view the world as data, information, etc.

    People create perspectives

    4. Technology is ecological (one invention affects the world) e.g) the computers change our entire world

    Obviously this is true. see Q2

    5. Technology is %26quot;mythic%26quot; (taken as a natural order) e.g) A power outage would render many unable to do anything etc...

    Yes and no. some people would go nuts, and some would be happy
    Technology and its effects?
    There dead on!!!!!! its mind bottling

    Is technology the answer to everything - or might humans need to learn restraint?

    Climate change driven by consumer economics --- population growth -- war -- and the rest. Is more of the same the cure? Or is it time for fundamental change in our world-view as a species. And is there any chance of that? And how?
    Is technology the answer to everything - or might humans need to learn restraint?
    %26quot;Resistance is Futile%26quot;!

    As long as people keep breeding like animals, we will live and die like them too. I like to dream that the future Human race will learn to control that instinct. Maybe after the coming pandemics and natural disasters cull the world population back the survivors will learn.
    Is technology the answer to everything - or might humans need to learn restraint?
    Hey shah, Been Awhile, %26quot;Moderation In All Things%26quot;.
    Its time for fundamental change-people need to start learning how to care or respect the person next to them. More and more people need to learn how to reason and aquire good judgement. The problem is though that there are too many people that think they have good judgement and think that their intentions are good but their just lost. Too many people live in a dream world created by them and are not in touch with reality like they should be. People need to truly start getting to know themselves because when you know yourself you know others. How do you get to know yourself? threw humility by doing god's will (a god of your understanding of course) instead of acting according to your own personal desires you act according to whats best for you keeping in mind the people around you. .
    Look at it this way, eventually if life goes on long enough we will reach a point in time where this solar system will no longer be able to sustain us, either the planet will be devoid of resources or the sun will die or an asteroid will hit the planet or something. When that day comes humanity will face a choice, leave or die. On that day the only way to preserve humanity will be through technology. On an episode of Babylon 5 Commander Sinclair made the point that if humanity did not explore the stars eventually something would happen and we would all die, but we would not be the only ones, Einstein, Caesar, Lincoln, Plato and everyone else who ever was and every idea humanity had would die with us. We own it to the future to preserve humanity but we also owe it to the past to remember their part in the human experience. That will all be lost one day if we do not preserve humanity and one day technology will be necessary to do that.
    The two are not mutually exclusive.

    How far would we have gotten with equal gender rights, for instance, without birth control and obstetrics?

    Wouldn't aristocrats %26quot;by birth%26quot; still rule the globe if their leisure time to practice with edged weapons still determined things? If a half-naked peasant couldn't take them out of the saddle with a steel crossbow?

    We are on the brink of another leap right now because of medicine, nukes and access to space. Viruses and fallout don't respect the politicians' lines on maps, and neither do orbits.

    Technology liberates. Revolutionary technology spurs revolutions.


    In todays world of football, would Pel茅 be able to hold his own?

    Pel茅 is revered by many to be the greatest footballer that ever lived. Considering today's style of play, changes in technology, diet, speed, training, etc. would Pel茅 still be considered extraordinary or would he just be a %26quot;good%26quot; player?
    In todays world of football, would Pel茅 be able to hold his own?
    Yes, I watched and played Soccer as a kid and he was awesome! I would have to say that I think he would be even a better player today, given all the factors you listed. Athletes just keep getting better and better, don't they?Today they are trimmer and therefore faster.
    In todays world of football, would Pel茅 be able to hold his own?
    Diets and training? Pele had timeless insane skills. In South America still today, players are not subject to the strict diets and training regimens that European players are subject to.

    Yet, the some of the most successful players in the world come from South America. Training and dieting can鈥檛 make up for years of playing bare feet in the streets.

    I understand that fitness and tactical order is the most important aspect of today鈥檚 football, otherwise, I just can鈥檛 explain how players like Gaby Heinze played for ManU, R. Madrid, and Argentina.

    To answer your question: Yes, Pele would take Lampard to school if he played today.
    You do have a point. Football has changed drastically since the days of Pele and even Maradona. The ball has become lighter. The games has gone a bit faster.

    He will still be a great player no doubt. But the greatest, very unlikely. Pele had time in his hands to do amazing stuff with the ball. But with the game faster now, he wouldn't enough space and time. People use to say Pele would look left and right even with the ball at his feet. These days, if he does that, he would be kicked and fouled.
    Too hard to say. Standards of other players back then was poorer, I can run rings past my Nana it doesn't make me good. Due to coverage now on the telly he wouldn't be a surprise to play against. If he was playing today I don't think he would be as revered.
    Easily. His natural footballing ability would only be enhanced by changes to diets and training making him an even better player.
    no..because due to tv etc and everyone knowing his tricks and how he plays he wouldnt have the time on the ball, hes fitness would be questionable although no doubt he would adapt a be fantastic, cant buy class
    I'd say definitely. He would adapt better to the more intensive training and speed of play than many former players.
    I think he will still be extraordinary and he will still be worlds best player.
    Would be even better as the protection now given to players is so much greater than when he was playing.
  • hard contacts in soft
  • loss of control in hands
  • Will Denny Clines hydrogen dicovery change the world?

    If you are unaware of this new technology then search and watch

    this super interesting topic. We are now able to run all our cars,

    and much more on only water!

    I googled Denny Cline, scrolled down to find the hydrogen topic

    and Wow.

    Big Moneys not going to like this!
    Will Denny Clines hydrogen dicovery change the world?
    I doubt it will change the world unless his electrolysis process is extremely effcient.

    His car doesn't run on water though, he uses electrolysis to produce HHO gas, and then uses this as an additive in the cylinder.

    Denny Cline has invented a process for converting water into HHO gas using a form of electrolysis he is patenting. He has retrofitted a couple of cars to use this gas as a fuel additive. This car does not run on water. He basically had to get a larger alternator for the increased electric load the vehicle requires for electrolysis to produce the HHO gas. The main power source for this car is still gasoline, the HHO is just a supplement. He is claiming an increase of 20-30% fuel economy on this vehicle. If this is all the increase in efficiency, I doubt it will change the world.

    His patent hasn't been awarded yet, but I will be keeping an eye on it to see what he is doing different in his electrolysis.
    Will Denny Clines hydrogen dicovery change the world?
    Unfortunately it takes about 4 times as much energy to get the hydrogen out of the water as you get back when you use that hydrogen to run a car.

    This is not a source of energy.

    Nice try though.

    (edit to asker) I read in the posts that discuss the car that Denny Cline was promoting that indicated that the person making the post had read one of the brochures that Denny Cline had distributed regarding this car that supposedly ran on water:

    The brochure is quoted as saying: %26quot; Our only motive is to help the world. It is our objective to build a world based on trust and sharing, rather than fear and greed%26quot; The poster then notes that the brochure went on to ask people for money with no posssible return on their investment.

    This sounds to me like one of the many scams that has set back the renewable energy industry repeatedly. Over the years many scam artists have preyed on naive but well meaning people who want very badly to do something to help the earth.

    The scam artists come up with a plausible sounding story and ask people for money to help develop this %26quot;marvelous%26quot; invention. The scam artists then disappear with the money that they collected.

    I recommend if someone asks you for money to develop a water powered car, please call the fraud unit of your local District Attorney immedaitely.

    We all want new, non polluting and efficient forms of energy.

    However it does not do anybody any good when scam artists steal money from well intentined people for a device that is essentially a fraud.
    Where will we get the hydrogen? Nuclear power (and I'm pro-nuclear BTW)? I don't doubt that we can make vehicles that run on hydrogen, but the generation (and transport and handling and dispensing) of the hydrogen are very difficult problems, and not likely to be solved before they have to be.

    Conservation and efficiency are the only hopes we have.

    Air powered cars are already in production so your story is believable.
    Too bad they're not up front about HOW it works. I couldn't see anything different from standard 19th cenury technology except for the change of a few words. Typical charlatain technique. Too bad. We really need the kind of technology he's pretending to have developed.

    Highly suspicious that they want time to set up their demonstrations, when their machine is supposed to be plug and play.
    Most changes cant be calculated it's astronomical one fact is the North poll is a 100 miles off as we speak get ready for a flip.

    Were American Indians just savages Europeans conquered?

    Native Americans were not %26quot;saints%26quot; Many were savages that killed others and sacrificed people. Then they also were very primitive. So, when the Europeans came, they saw them as savages, and with superior European technology and perhaps some diseases that the indians could not resist, the Europeans took over the new world. Sure the indians were treated badly at times, but at least today we have given them reservations, free medical care, free education, and opportunities to better their lives. The world changes as technology and ideas advance. The natives need to understand this today too and not harp on the past. In any event, the indians do have better lives today then 100-200 years ago. Hopefully we have all progressed in the new world. Unfortunately, other parts of the world are not as progressive.
    Were American Indians just savages Europeans conquered?
    savages to others but to their own believes? noooooooo they we're raised that way! is it wrong of them to kill? yes!! but do they know? not really... now is it wrong to kill others yes. if they kill others is it wrong kill in revenges? yes but does anyone listen no!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Were American Indians just savages Europeans conquered?
    I don't agree with any of this. I think it's racial bigotry.
    Indians did not sacrifice people. They had just as much belief in their God and Godess as a Christian and were very peaceful toward others of their religion. Not many were saints either though. They were just as you are except they spoke and believed differently. The sacrifices you hear about are stories to scare people to help them get rid of the Native Americans and to steal their land. Thsi is just an opinion, but Christians are close minded sometimes and want all others to be of the same religion. If they had left the Indians alone no one would have been hurt. But it didnt end up that way.

    Hope this helps
    The savages came from Europe and were usually Christian. Face it, the whites stole their land and ruined their culture. We are still ruining it. We have never offered to better thier lives, we have only offered them to live like white people. That is no advancement.
    Oh get real. Who were the %26quot;savages%26quot; in this case?

    Do some research, you would be appalled at what was done to the first nations people by Europeans.

    Europeans had a might %26quot;savage%26quot; past themselves.
    No you did not. You really do know nothing... Hmm...let's see... The Europeans %26quot;conquered%26quot; them as you say, gave them sicknesses, encouraged people to kill them, offered money to some that did, tried to force them to give up their whole culture and ways of life, stole their children away and put them in religion based boarding schools where many were abused, occasionally even resulting in death, if they even dared to speak their own language or practice their own culture, many kids were also sexually abused at those schools, and many never saw their family ever again. Their people received random unprovoked attacks where people died trying to protect their families and friends. Forced onto the most inhabitable piece of land that the whites decided they didn't want. AND SO ON.

    WHO were the %26quot;savages%26quot;??

    And all these %26quot;free%26quot; benefits that a SMALL PERCENT receive today is CRAP and amounts to basically nothing worthwhile.

    While some OLDER ancient civilizations in the far south %26quot;may%26quot; (or may not) have had human sacrifices (oh, as if your religion never did), 99.99999999% did NOT sacrifice people. And just as much of their fighting had to do with protecting their resources to survive, not about simply HATE like whites introduced.

    Yup...someone's grandma living in a tiny shack with no insulation in the middle of winter, with her kerosene to keep warm just about gone, and her food supply just the same, and no money or way to even go get more...oh yeah, that's better. There are lots of people who live like that. And they'd have lived a lot warmer and better if they got to live generations ago. Some of those reservations are like third world countries. You call that better today? Even if YOU think %26quot;technology%26quot; magically makes things %26quot;better,%26quot; it does not change a damn thing and in reality some things worse.

    They were the only people ever to live on this land to know TRUE FREEDOM. And you know not a damn thing. Stop believing your own assumptions and go talk to those who live those lives.
    Alright, here we go you racist yonega! None of us EVER sacrifised people. We were not savages, we just know that a simple life is better than the white man's life. You think yall did us a FAVOR!? You are sadly dissalusioned and mistaken, my friend. Your people murdered, and literally SLAUGHTERED us like cows. CUT US UP, and stretched body parts across saddles and hats. Dont you EVER say that you did us a favor, EVER! You did not PROGRESS our existance. Our lives are not better now, they are too quick and complicated. If we dont have a card, we get arrested for our religions. I envy those in Africa who's ways have not changed much, they are still with mother earth, instead of whites separating them from her. There is nothing i can call you, because anything i can think of will be too good for you.

    wow who ever wrote this article is pretty ignorant and obviously hasn't been educated, it makes me furious when white people [the ones who try to be superior] speak a lot of crap without knowing the whole truth, all i would say to these people is shame on you and may your soul rest in hell....

    What are the most pressing moral issue in today鈥檚 world?

    How will the increasing pace of technology change affect the issues that you mentioned?
    What are the most pressing moral issue in today鈥檚 world?
    Self discipline. People sit and watch TV and play games and think that they %26quot;know where it's at%26quot;. You have to get out and find and overcome some adversity to get a true sense of self. Sitting around and bit*hing is not the answer.
    What are the most pressing moral issue in today鈥檚 world?
    Most pressing moral issue ::: is the same as it has always been, to limit the elite from raping the middle class and poor......

    technology has improved the elites ability to manipulate the minds of the masses but also to connect like minded rebels.......
    Family Focused Society..... outlook looks bleak
    to record fox news or miss work and stay at home and watch
    child welfare and safety. the more safeguards for kids on the internet, the better.
    Poverty, without a doubt.

    Every single day 30,000 children die as a direct result of poverty. This doesn't even count adults.

    Do you believe NANO technologies are going to change the world?

    Hey yes... i too don't know much about NANO technology but for sure its gonna create a revolution in future and life is going to become more easy.

    Is a four year Business degree really much different than a 2 year?

    I will have finished my Business Administration, associates degree in March and debating on whether a bachelors is really that much more useful?

    With ever changing technology, theories, and company specific accounting and software practices, is there a huge difference in today's business world?

    Will the 4 year degree open more doors than a 2 year degree or are people looking at other factors such as personality and software training?
    Is a four year Business degree really much different than a 2 year?
    Yes bachelors %26gt; associates
    Is a four year Business degree really much different than a 2 year?
    I agree for sure. a bachelor's degree is way more valuable than an associates.
  • xp
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  • What will the world be like in 30 years?

    What do you think the world will be like in 30 years time..?

    Since 1979 a hell of a lot of things have changed and been invented, and technology has advanced at an alarming rate. Who knows what it'll be like in 2039!?
    What will the world be like in 30 years?
    all police will be armed with automatic machine guns thats for sure.
    What will the world be like in 30 years?
    Everyone will have died from Swine Flu.
    suffocated with rude people
    We will all live in an Underwater Eutopia That thousands of years latre people will Wonder about. We will adapt to The water and Turn into Mermen and Mermaids. Living Underwater Beeing able to Communicate and Breed With Fish
    I think its because us humans are very greedy. We're the ones who have the power to change the world for the better of worse
    Don't know, but I'll probably be ' pushing up the daisies' by then, LOL
    the world will be in teen age
    Exactly the same - only everything will be slightly more sh*t!
    in thirty years we should have a new hierarchy. countries that now rule with strength and power will either rule completely or will cease to exist.

    war is inevitable and it is just a matter of time.

    with the weapons of mass destruction that now exist, war will be short and awesome.
    Assuming we haven't destroyed out world with a nuclear war or other toxins, I say there will be computers in everything. We will have those computers where there is a giant screen in front of you and you touch and move the pictures. I know they exist but I'm saying everyone will have them.

    Video phones will be more popular and they will have remotes for everything (for ex. a remote to turn of your fireplace then you can adjust the amount of heat that comes out, etc.)

    Just some ideas. Oh yeah, and everyone will be recycling, reusing, reducing and driving smart cars b/c the world will be so polluted.
    In 30 years time this medium (or it's progressions) will be the even more the norm than it is now and social interaction on the face to face level will be rare. Society will have become less personally based and people will have become more socially inactive on the face to face level. They will rely on technology to forge %26quot;friendships%26quot; that are totally impersonal and allows them to pretend to be whatever they wish to believe they are.

    Should the church use modern technology like the iPod to better deliver the message of Christ?

    It is sad to see that the adult entertainment industry has jumped on board with the latest technology, using things like the iPod and PSP to distribute porn. I have not seen the church make such a move by distributing church material such as religious movies or sermons for the iPod or PSP. Why is this happening and should they finally take a step into the future. (it is not changing the message that the world needs, it is changing the method in how the message is delivered)
    Should the church use modern technology like the iPod to better deliver the message of Christ?
    All organizations need to get modern. It just requires those that have the expertise to volunteer to help the church get its message across.
    Should the church use modern technology like the iPod to better deliver the message of Christ?
    I work for a Christian movie company. But we give you an entire Outreach package and not just license rights to show it. Check out we have a brand new christian movie coming out starring Randy Travis and Candace Cameron - its GREAT!

    Report Abuse

    Sure. why not?
    my local church uses their site to make sermons available in mp3 format for download already
    I actually stopped going to a Church because they WERE using modern technology to spread the word. The church is like a huge music studio with lights, 20 LCD screens, and a huge sound booth. I can't say that is a sin but spreading the word of God through such secular means just didn't %26quot;feel right%26quot; to me.
    Look at the average age of church leaders. These are people who have probably never even used a typewriter, much less a word-processor. You first have to drag them kicking and screaming into the 20th century before you have any hope of getting into the 21st!