Friday, 7 October 2011

Why is the US position on global warming so different from the rest of the world?

%26quot;First Australia won international applause for abandoning the United States and signing a global warming pact Washington has long opposed. Then a U.S. Senate committee voted for deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.

The Bush administration's position, that technology, private investment and economic growth 鈥?rather than mandatory emissions cuts 鈥?will save the planet from global warming, is taking a beating this week at a U.N. climate change conference in Indonesia.

The public defeats for the U.S. stance, coupled with mounting warnings from scientists and others that only decisive action will control rising temperatures, have cast the Americans as wayward sons who need to wake up and join the rest of the world.%26quot;鈥?/a>

Why do you think the US policy on global warming continues to differ so vastly from the rest of the world? Especially since global warming is supposedly a US liberal hoax?
Why is the US position on global warming so different from the rest of the world?
Growth is the problem. You can't use the CAUSE of the problem as the solution. It's insane, hence why the Bush adminstration's policy is so different from the rest of the world. The rest of the world is sane.

It would require the resources of 4.5 earths for all nations on earth to live with the standard of living currently enjoyed by the U.S. We have been using more than our fair share of global resources, and paying for it on a credit card to boot, having not earned the cash to pay for it. If the developing nations are to be allowed to catch up, then our standard of living must fall.
Why is the US position on global warming so different from the rest of the world?
Because it is the BIGGEST contributor to it
Because we drive on the wrong side of the street and do not use the metric system.


The current GOP led government is opposed to change. Their corporate donors are in this for the fast buck, not the USA. When we have a change of leadership, followed by a change in policy, hopefully the US can play catch-up to the rest of the free world in that regard.


Australia's government is phasing out the incandescent bulb. They are switching the nation to the CFL (compact fluorescent light) energy efficient light bulbs such as linked here.鈥?/a>
And then Australia decided to forget about the whole thing because it would cost too much money. Try to keep up. LOL if only you had read the news today.
Because Kfed has the kids, they have to have something to talk about. Oh ya there is a lot of money to be made by backing the hoax.
Because chances are, these other countries don't have to cut back on anything.

See, if you're going to try and catch the big country, you scream for them to be hamstrung with output restrictions while you pollute your way past them.

Of course the little countries agree with global warming and carbon restrictions! As long as we have to cut back and they don't! I mean it's only fair; we put out so much, and they don't. Yet.
Unless you find a way to control the Sun you can't control the warming trend. Besides in a few years the temp will start cooling again like it has in the past.

The whole man-made thing is a hoax. Most of us recognize it as such.
There are a couple of reasons.

First - the US feels that we are being asked to shoulder a disproportionate share of the costs.

Second - the rest of the world is trying to dictate to us instead of working with us.

Finally - most of those countries have put themselves in positions where we are not real excited about doing them any favors. (Look at all of the anti-American rhetoric and ask yourself why we should do anything at all for them.)
Bush and Cheney are oil men who profit from keeping things the way they are. They don't want to do anything that might reduce dependency on oil because they want to continue to get richer and richer.


The truth hurts, doesn't it? You people who keep denying the obvious are the other half of the problem.
To answer your question;

The US position is different because America has the purse, and the rest of the world has its hands out.
because we have illiterate southerners
Because the science is still out on us actually causing the warming when it is really only a meteorological trend.
The US has more to lose by complying w/ emissions standards.

Countries that do not have the natural resources of the US are going to renewable energy sources for economic reasons to get away from expensive foreign fuel sources.

Basically , the big energy interests that control the govt will do anything they can to keep their profits up as long as they can.

%26quot;Green%26quot; fuel %26amp; energy suppliers are starting to make the big boys think about getting into alternative energy sources , but not before they can find a way to reach the profits they can w/ dirty fuels.

Liberal hoax? just big business talking through their political

Because most of the developing world is excused from reducing their emissions. All this BS, especially the Kyoto accords, only applies to the top dogs. The rest hope by putting the brakes on the US industries and economy, they can catch up a little bit more. And if you don't believe that by mandating higher energy efficiency and lower emissions will not have an effect on the economy you fail Economics 101. It will cost not only US industries billions of dollars to comply but it will cost the consumer of anything more. You will have to have more energy efficient cars, buildings (homes, apartments, office buildings), more efficient refrigerators, dishwashers, water heaters, clothe dryers, air conditioners and home heating systems. All will cost more to produce. All will cost more to buy. All will cost more to repair. You need to realize the ulterior motives of other countries demanding this of the US. If you think we are a big polluter, go to New Delhi, Beijing, Hong Kong. You howl about the economy now, wait until the New World Order is calling the shots and mandating to us. These countries don't give a rat about global warming. All they see is their countries growing stronger economically and the US growing weaker. We are not the only big country that has refused to sign the Kyoto agreement. And all for pretty much the same reason. It gives a pass to %26quot;developing%26quot; nations (India) and puts the hammer to the US and others.
Which reast of the world are you talking about ?

You mentioned one country, now i know australia is a nice country, but they are not the rest of the world.

The us stance on global warming is alot more libberal than :

South america's



Middle east's


Now wouldn't you consider those countries to make up, the whole world ????

Plus, the best thing the US could do to help prevent global warming, is to build nuclear power plants to replace the fossil fuel power plants, that are the largest contributor of green house gas's.

Except the global warming crowd, are against nuclear power also.

Funny how the global warming crowd, agree with everything the UN climate panel said, except the part, where they said, building more nuclear power plants to replace fossil fuel power plants was the best option to help prevent global warming.


And if Liberals care so much about Global warming and the Koyoto treaty, then why didn't thier liberal president, ever submit the Koyoto Treaty to the US Senate to be ratified during his last three years in office ?
Because the president of the USA thinks that the large oil corps. interests are more important than the american public.