Is modern man any more rational than the cave dwellers? What can you point to that shows fundamental change? Maybe only the tools and technology is all that has changed.
Judging from world events recently, can you honest say man is rational?
Generally speaking people are used by others for whatever is needed. People who use others are cynical opportunists who use people's hate, fear, love, pain, and desire to get what they want. I opened a book on advertising and it had chapters with titles like %26quot;Into The Valley of the Sluts%26quot;. To my surprise even though it could have been written yesterday it was published in the early 1950's. People change very slowly.
Judging from world events recently, can you honest say man is rational?
soap and deodorant....otherwise we're all still savages. Is this the answer you wanted???
No. That is why I decided to undergo a controversial surgery and become an ape.
I live a wonderful life eating parasites off my friend's backs and enjoying raucuos crap fights.
Recently, no. But I consider the whole of world history and can't find a time where modern man acted rationally.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
If peace fell into the lap of man/womankind, he or she would start a war over who was responsible for it.
Not only judging from recent events, but from events going back a few thousand years, I don't think you can say man is rational. Alas, humankind still has some of the primitive behaviors that have not entirely evolved out of the species.
You can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig.
No this lack of rationality is exemplified by Americans electing Bush and supporting wars which only destroy them but profit Bush,and not the people.
Well most people still believe in an invisible sky daddy, so I don't think people have made that much progress on the rational front. However, at least the tools are there to learn to understand the world in a rational manner. A caveman would have little basis for analysis of the world around him outside of his religion.
Not that a caveman didn't have the ability to implement inductive reasoning and create technology, the tools and skills they develop have shown otherwise. Only that he was unable to apply the same techniques to a wide range of problems like we are capable of doing today. Whether most people take advantage of this vast reservoir of knowledge is another story, but at least it is there for perusal.
We're still very Tribal in our thinking. All of our societies are built on an 'us and them' mentality. We are extremely predatory and aggressive creatures. And you really can't completely deny genetics. We need a new frontier into which we can channel our energies. I always regretted that we didn't get into Space in a much bigger, more blue collar way. Lob a bunch of roughnecks into space and tell them to build you something! Those ol boys would be lining up to go. And they'd get the job done too!
Fundamental point, we don't live in caves. If you want, do it and go back 10,000 years. Until then, leave the rest of modern society alone.
I can't even watch the news and think men are rational. Look at them! Even the reporters are acting bizarre. It's not like the news isn't bad enough. Can you actually watch a newscaster and think they are acting impartially? It would be funny if so much weren't at stake. We can just do our best. That's it. When we see unfair, prejudicial things staring us in the face, we do our best and leave the rest to God. He's probably the only one who is really impartial.