%26quot;First Australia won international applause for abandoning the United States and signing a global warming pact Washington has long opposed. Then a U.S. Senate committee voted for deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.
The Bush administration's position, that technology, private investment and economic growth — rather than mandatory emissions cuts — will save the planet from global warming, is taking a beating this week at a U.N. climate change conference in Indonesia.
The public defeats for the U.S. stance, coupled with mounting warnings from scientists and others that only decisive action will control rising temperatures, have cast the Americans as wayward sons who need to wake up and join the rest of the world.%26quot;
Why do you think the US policy on global warming continues to differ so vastly from the rest of the world? Especially since global warming is supposedly a US liberal hoax?
Why is the US position on global warming so different from the rest of the world?
Over 60% of US citizens support their country to unilaterally pledge to strong greenhouse gases emission reductions.
- the majority of US scientists
- the majority of US corporates
- the majority of US citizens
- not even the majority of religious congregations
PS to Jelly:
Who is socialist and communist among the following supporting strong committed GHG cuts worldwide?
- Japanese conservatives?
- German conservatives?
- British conservatives?
- Scandinavian conservatives?
- French conservatives?
- McCain?
- Governor Schwarzenegger?
- 150 of the largest companies worldwide?
- the major reinsurance companies with their multi billion turnovers?
It seems it is ONLY A SMALL FRACTION OF BACKWARDS CONSERVATIVES IN THE US which has a problem with cutting emissions.
Why is the US position on global warming so different from the rest of the world?
The more socialist countries are, the more socialist people are, the more they believe global warming is a problem.
Socialist are people who think in a collective and tend to follow other people based on their position in life. They also believe that gvmt should take care of problems while taking little action on their own.
Individualist think for themselves, tend to seek objective proof for answers (global warming is a subjective, not objective science) They aren't influenced by Pat Roberson or Newt Gingrich. They take action themselves, they know that much is being done today to keep the environment clean, that the environment is cleaner today than in the 1960, and they take action on their own without waiting for gvmt to act, because they know it's the right thing to do.
[Edit] Every other industrial country more socialist than the US? God, yes!
don't fell bad here in canada our gov is out of touch with the people and the world. the reason is large investments in oil and coal. greed outweighs science. and the science is in and global warming is real. it's ironic that most of the science comes from the u.s.
First of all, we do have a representative government and that government typically does what the people want. That is why the Senate voted 100 per cent against the Kyoto Treaty. Even Clinton with his mental midget vice president rejected it while pretending now that he was for it. The socialist that took control of Australia has changed his mind. The Kyoto Treaty was too costly even for him so you are behind the times. Kyoto is approved by socialists and and third world thugs that have nothing to lose and countries like China and India wouldn't mind if America gets taken down a few notches. The real problem is that seems to the aim of the most who push global warming whether it is meant or just naively supported. If it is not the actual aim, it certainly would be the result if we were stupid enough to agree to it. The fact is almost none of those that signed it are abiding by it.
The US is a peculiar place.
People in the rest of the world vote in larger numbers than we do. And they don't make decisions about serious issues using politics rather than facts.
We don't vote and we still too often let politics trump scientific fact. Strange.
It's also strange that someone complains so much about these quotes. Perhaps because they prove that anyone who says this is a socialist or a liberal thing is a liar?
%26quot;Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich challenged fellow conservatives to stop resisting scientific evidence of global warming%26quot;
%26quot;National Review (the most prestigious conservative magazine) published a cover story this past week calling on conservatives to shake off denial and get into the climate policy debate%26quot;
%26quot;Pat Robertson (very conservative Christian leader) 'It is getting hotter and the ice caps are melting and there is a build up of carbon dioxide in the air. We really need to do something on fossil fuels.”
%26quot;I believe there is now more than enough evidence of climate change to warrant an immediate and comprehensive - but considered - response. Anyone who disagrees is, in my view, still in denial.%26quot;
Ford Motor Company CEO William Clay Ford, Jr.
%26quot;The science of global warming is clear. We know enough to act now. We must act now.%26quot;
James Rogers, CEO of Charlotte-based Duke Energy.
%26quot;Republican governors team up against global warming%26quot;
%26quot;the overwhelming number of scientists now believe that there is significant human cause,'' Giuliani said, adding the debate on the existence of global warming %26quot;is almost unnecessary ... ''
%26quot;(from Republicans for Environmental Protection) The consensus of almost all climate scientists is that global warming is already happening, that human actions are causing it, and that it will cause major problems for our planet.%26quot;
JIM Z - You're about to see 60% of the Senate vote for serious action against global warming. I'll agree with you about one thing, that's what the people want.
Because it is the UN that will have the control and power over the whole world's climate ! Giving them vast control over all countries and people ! That's why they are pushing this hoax so hard ! socialism is what they want the whole world to be,then a one world government, Run by them.
I suspect that its because americans are complacent as well as oblivous to the rest of the world. They think that they are still a great world power. So the consequences of their wasteful lifestyle has no relevance.
They really don't care.
So the politicians are really just looking out for the interests of the big business that supply the americans constant needs for popular %26amp; fashionable consumer goods.
Americans are spoiled.
I really really can't wait until this numbnutz is out of the white house. He's an evangelical christian oil guy. So, firstly, evangelicals believe that the rapture is coming soon, so they don't need to care for the planet. and, secondly until that time, might as well be hands off and let business prosper without any constraints.
didn't he ever read the Dr. Seuss book, %26quot;The Lorax%26quot;
Probably cause we are the ones who are gonna end up paying for all the Globaloney. Just like all the rest of the stuff the UN suckers us into.
First of all, of the 193 countries in the UN, only 32 countries have a Kyoto target.
There are plenty of developed countries that have gotten off the hook. None of the big oil producers for example are in the list, even though they seem to have pretty bad CO2 emissions because gasoline and electricity are so cheap in those countries that people there don't care much about conserving energy.
How the affected countries are doing depends on who you ask. The UN and the respective governments all say - they're on target. David Suzuki says most of them are way off target.
The US has always refused to accept UN jurisdiction over it's territories or citizens - refusing to be bound by Kyoto is consistent with that policy.
The US is the biggest user of energy in the world although China and India are rapidly catching up. Therefore people in the US will have to make the biggest changes to conserve energy and reduce CO2 emissions as your society and infrastructure have grown on the premise of cheap oil. Put simply a lot of people in the US see AGW as a challenge that will affect their way of life and don't want to change. This is an understandable point of view but that doesn't change the fact that warming is occurring.
It really has nothing to do with socialism, pinkos or any of the rest of the political spectrum despite how many attempt to stymie the debate with such slurs.
The US is afraid of the economic impact Kyoto will have on the country. I.e. the US government believes the economy will slow down if it takes measures to fight global warming. If the economy slows down, unemployment rises. Unhappy people are likely to show their discontent during elections...
Actually, the scientific evidence is mounting against the alarmism of the IPCC crowd, but they choose to ignore the science.
The Bush Administration has finally embraced global warming and the need to do something about it. It is ironic that Bush became convinced of global warming just as the science seems to indicate it will not be catastrophic.
By %26quot;recent science%26quot; I am referring to the peer-reviewed papers by Schwartz, Spencer, Kiehl, McKitrick and others.
Because we believe in free markets and individual liberty and are opposed to government interference in our private lives. I see no reason to rethink our beliefs at all.
Because the US knows that if they listened to people like you it would not only damage the US economy it would more than likely plunge the entire world into a depression. The UN boondoggle is of little or no interest to US policy makers, they are more concerned about an upcoming election, as they should.
If you look at U.S. history, our global warming policy is fairly consistent with many other global issues we have faced in the past. People from United States settled here to escape the economic, social and religious issues facing much of the Eastern hemisphere.
People from the U.S. are often isolationists, and feel that problems facing Europe are %26quot;their issues.%26quot; Look at the two World Wars. In both cases, there were large portions of the population who staunchly opposed messing with a %26quot;European problem.%26quot; Many people feel the same way about Iraq (see the Libertarians).
In the end, we're typically just late to the party, but we eventually show up, just like the World Wars. Let's hope that's the case with Global Warming.
Just look at the leaders of our country! Aside from the President and VP from having numerous stakes in various oil and gas companies, they also have a lot of friends in the industry and need those political contributions to keep coming in.
Besides, Bush never changes his mind on anything. He came into his presidency with certain views on the environment, and he's not about to change them. Heck, he still think Iraq will be a successful democracy!
Prejudice, Arrogant Ego attitude and nothing else.
In the absence of major socialistic powers, US has no threat in any form, so they keep their head cool as of now.
It's a peculiar American parochialism.
It may have to do with the two party system. The electoral college forces us into an all or nothing proposition. Vote for a third party and you are throwing your vote away.
Perhaps something closer to a parliamentary form of government would allow for a more pluralistic policy to emerge from our congress.
Hamilton won out over Franklin and Jefferson and so we have our current system - the prevailing party speaks for everyone.
It is a Liberal hoax..... It is fed to the public so that politicians like Al Gore can get rich... That is it, oh and these scientists are being payed off to feed us with lies.. The rest of the world sees this and is not joining the band wagon because it is all a big lie.. The earth goes through natural cooling and warming fases ..