The whole world has notice changes, with earthqakes, tornados, tsunami, flooding and freak weather.
Could this be the energy force of mother nature?
%26quot;Global Warming%26quot; Is it Mother Earth rebelling against technology of today?
I kinda like to think as you do. That after all the garbage we've dumped, now it's payback time from our Mother Earth. With all these tsunami's and tornadoes Earth tries to clean up the mess that we did without shame.
%26quot;Global Warming%26quot; Is it Mother Earth rebelling against technology of today?
Yeah, just like it did before the last ice age. It's all cyclical.
i think we are attributing our misuse of earth to global warming but we can't explain how all the other ice ages occured in the past. That is not to say that we aren't harming earth by polltution and deforestation in tropical areas, but i feel like earth is going through changes that we have no control over.
Yea, we should all go back to living in caves to please %26quot;mother nature%26quot;.
That's the problem. People who elevate environmentalism to a religion.
Maybe if we threw virgins into volcanoes mother earth would love us again
More like God trying to get your attention. Is it working? Will you do anything about that? Let God save you from disaster.
Oooh! don't make the volcano gods angry with you, we may have to make a blood sacrifice or some kind of voodoo curse on you!
Do some research, the Earth is over 4 Billion years old and has gone through countless changes.
yes it is. For every action, there is a reaction.....
The last glacial retreat saw the extinction of the mastodons, sabre-tooth tigers, camels, horses, woolly rhinoceroses, giant sloths and a host of other species. It was not mother earth retaliating, it was climate change. We are still in an ice age, but an interglacial period. The climate within interglacial periods can be quite volatile, there are large amounts of ice locked up in the polar regions, and a constant battle between the heat of the equator and the frigid conditions of the polar regions has been waged for thousands of years, and will be continued to be waged until the glaciers return or the Ice age ends. That is just the nature of things.
%26quot;Mother Earth%26quot; isn't rebelling, she's just going through a %26quot;stage%26quot; pretty soon she will realize that all those tattoos and piercings aren't so cool and she'll stop sleeping around with %26quot;Father Time%26quot; and %26quot;Jack Frost%26quot;. In the mean time I'm gonna shag her while the getting is good. Yeah, say my name B*#ch!
The planet does not have some sort of soul or personality. It's a planet!
I think that's a charming way to look at it. Pray for her success!
The Earth is no ones mother, and it isn't alive so it cannot rebel or take any other conscious action.