Wednesday, 26 October 2011

What is Internet for you?

World is changing and technology too, so what can we do about it?
What is Internet for you?
The Internet to me is a vast network of communication, reference and media.

As for changing technology, let it change for the better.
What is Internet for you?
Internet for me is : a big open source to know and learn new things , watch tv , listen to music and keep in touch with friend and fam.
It is a way for me to keep in touch.
The Internet is the greatest source of information and communication ever devised by man, period.
hack people





Adapt and go with the flow when things change!


This is the internet to me.......

It's a toolbar you download onto your computer, you then fill out a profile of your interests like fashion, romance, games, sports, music, movies, philosophy, computers, cooking, history, travel, etc on your homepage. When you click the %26quot;Stumble%26quot; button on the tool bar it takes you to random websites on the Internet that fits your profile.

it's incredibly addictive.