Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Why are politicians pushing ethanol and hybrid Technology when the solution is clearly hydrogen cars?

I don't believe in global warming, but I want a cleaner world with less real pollutants (mercury, carcinogens, phosphorus, and what not). If we a are going to radically change our environmental policy why would we not go with a zero emission solution...are special interests once again in the way?
Why are politicians pushing ethanol and hybrid Technology when the solution is clearly hydrogen cars?
I agree with you ....on both points.

But right now there is no workable hydrogen engine. It uses more energy to create the hydrogen then the car produces so we still need to burn oil or coal to create the hydrogen.

Nuclear is the most viable and cleanest technology that we have today. Modern reactors produce little to no waste.


Yes this process could be used to either crate the hydrogen or charge electric cars...all pollution free.
Why are politicians pushing ethanol and hybrid Technology when the solution is clearly hydrogen cars?
But, the technology is not yet great enough for them to work correctly and efficiently in different regions. For example, what is their exhaust? H2O. So, this would not be too efficient in colder regions.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for it. Advances just have to be made. Hydrogen would be the cleanest energy source (beyond solar) for transportation.
Politics and government are NEVER the solution to a problem.
GE doesn't have a plan for hydrogen.
Ethanol and hybrid technology are probably transitional forms of energy for automobiles. I have read some interesting articles in a few Science and Technology magazines that predict that hydrogen technology will soon evolve to the point where it will become feasible and less costly. They give it about 5 to 10 more years before consumers will have more choices.

I remember when the news media kept stating that electric or hybrid cars would never be feasible because the price was too high to become popular. In my city, nearly an eighth of the newer cars I seen on the roads are hybrids, including taxis and many are now becoming available as used cars when their owners trade them in for the newer, more powerful and more roomier hybrids.
3 problems with hydrogen cars....

1) Energy cost to create hydrogen out weights the benefits

2) Distribution systems would have to be created... HUGE HUGE HUGE costs. Just ask the gas companies. (No car will simply run off of the water coming out of the garden hose... sorry)

3) Unstable and VERY flammable. You wouldn't need the traffic report anymore because you could tell where the accidents were at by the mushroom clouds.

Innovation has a process and timeline.... it doesn't really speed up by simply throwing more money at it.
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