What i mean is this.
We had successful levitation experiments in the 50's.
We've been to the moon. ( processing power is light years beyond that time)
The Philadelphia experiment...
That was all a long time ago...
The real tangible evidence of tech advancement we have is all in entertainment. Borderless tv's, Great video game graphics.. fuel efficient cars.
Well more fuel efficient anyways...
Airplanes are not that different and tech of flight has not advanced very far except within military applications.
The world spends billions and billions every year on science yet when you look around their are more stylistic changes than there are actual realistic advancements in proportion o the money spent every year.
Weve been to the moon and the greatest thing we've advanced too in the last 40 years is an ugly space station???
No company releases any tech they have not already surpassed... so where is all the other tech.?
Where is all the technology in the world?
It's in use, and will stay in use until it is no longer useful or something better comes along. The view that it's all in entertainment results simply from your focus of attention. Look at computer and medical technology. Technology resulting from our exponential growth in genetics is about to explode. Turn your focus away from entertainment, and you'll be able to see it.