What do you think the world will be like in regards to environmental issues, famines, wars, peace, religion, economics, technology, etc. Also, do you think any countries or regions will take over other countries or regions, or do you believe any countries or regions may split. Also add whatever other changes that you believe will occur.
Where do you see the world in 100 years?
Everything is literally crumbled to the ground.... Everybody is dead.
Where do you see the world in 100 years?
Obliterated by the Space Aliens
ina bad bad situation... global warming... and not the same as it is today.. and tomorrow... and the day after that... ETC.
We will have a gay president America will not exist, and we will have a lot more neat gadgets. Every thing else will be the same. There will always be poor people black people will still be sing we shall over come, and white people will still be just as raciest.
things will stay relatively constant like they always have. 100 years is not that far in the future. technology, of course, will probably be the most different. Maybe we'll even have teleportation fine tuned by then. Moon colonization is possible. Maybe going for vacation into outer space won't be uncommon (remember, it was only 30 years after the Wright brothers flew that commercial airliners boomed in popularity). As far as religion goes, I think religious influences will lessen as has been the trend since the european reformation. War will be just as common. We only have enough resources for 9.5 billion people on this planet, and we're at almost 7 billion now, so I could see wars being fought over the Himalayan water supply and such.
It's going to be interesting! Oh and global warming won't end human kind...
We would be totally blown away,
Imagine life 100 years ago.
Almost Nothing, is standing that they helped build. except some broken down windmills in the fields.
, now I can look out of any window and see at least a few of those windmills we have on our wind farm.
I am almost blown away by it all and I'm only sixty. TVs, cell phones, camera's, modern medicine, and wow here's a tool that I can ask any question and with a break of 4 hours I can get 30 different answers for anything I wish to ask. Who would of thought it?
and the future, like a hundred years from now, you and everyone older than yourself will be dead. Countries may decide to be at peace and realize one supreme Commander. Global warming, could have the effect of people to populate Antarctica, and Alaska. And Be the most tightly packed places on Earth. All brand new architecture, and things we can't even begin to predict.