I am looking at a career in IT once I finish school and was wondering if someone could point me towards a suitable field to work in.
From what I understand the computing world is always changing so I am unsure of which area would be best to study as what is relevant now might not be 10 years later.
Any suggestions on what is a field that will be needed for a long time to come?
Many thanks for your assistance.
What information technology field?
In response to t-izzle, some universities offer a bachelor's in IT fields such as Networking and the like. Plus, you also have other fields like Management Information Systems and some others as well.
You should contact your college for more info.
What information technology field?
Software or Hardware will be suitable
A BA in Computer Science is pretty much the minimum you would need in a computer field. Get that, and then specialize by getting certifications for what you would want to do.
BA.CS. is basically programming, you can get into that directly out of college. But if you want to get into tech work, network setups, and the crazier stuff you can do... you're going to need certifications ( or org... one of those will give you info on the tests.) Then either take classes (best way to learn since you get chances to actually do the stuff), or study on your own, pass the test, and go insane trying to find someone willing to give you the chance to work for free to get experience doing the work (even though for the last 2 years you did all the work in your class)
I would suggest doing what you enjoy, and what you're passionate about. As a passionate programmer in a small town, I have a personal problem with people who get in to the field for the money. The IT field is over saturated, and that over saturation is the cause of outsourcing tech support, apathetic help desk workers, and shoddy programming. Also know: IT is NOT easy! If you're going in to the field in hopes of a comfy chair and air conditioning, know that the pressure on programmers is heavy, and we're not above days and days with little to no sleep. Being a tech of any kind is also very difficult and especially stressful because of how much you have to deal with (often stupid) users.
TL;DR: Do something that makes you happy so I don't have to meet up with you in real life and hate you for doing it for the money.