Friday, 7 October 2011

When people refer to the Bible and those who follow it as "Living in the Bronze Age"?

It isn't true since we are still human beings, like we were back then. And we are still in need of the most basic things such a food, shelter, water, and clothing. Humans have the same need for emotional, mental and spiritual edification as they did back in those days. Notice the only things that have changed is technology has grown and the world is becoming more courrupt and depraved.
When people refer to the Bible and those who follow it as %26quot;Living in the Bronze Age%26quot;?
Amen sister!!!!
When people refer to the Bible and those who follow it as %26quot;Living in the Bronze Age%26quot;?
Because they think the bible is outdated. Funny because God is the same today as he was yesterday and will be tomorrow!
They don't realize that truth is eternal.
The human condition is not so unchangeable as you think. Much progress has been made in Ethics, for example, since the Bible was written. Or do you actually think selling your daughters to slavery, even under special conditions, is ok?
it is just a way to mock others..
Nut just because something makes us feel good, doesn't make it true.
There is nothing new under the sun.
Your ignorance is depressing.

Your bronze-age bible says:

%26quot;Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith shall save the sick.... (James 5:14-15)%26quot;

If you really believed that, you'd never go to a doctor -- because your bible says %26quot;...the prayer of faith shall save the sick,%26quot; so there's no need for a doctor. However, 2,000 years of medical progress have shown us that demons don't cause diseases, that medical science heals the sick and prayer doesn't. In the bible time, a %26quot;doctor%26quot; would try to cast demons out of you, or bleed you to death to remove %26quot;bad humours,%26quot; or other such %26quot;cures.%26quot; If you think nothing's changed, you're free to go ahead and do those things and ignore medical science...but I'm betting you don't, and you go to doctors. Why is that?

Then there are the myriad other things that the superstitious bronze-age people believed which we now know to be false...that thunder was %26quot;god's anger,%26quot; that putting cows in a field with striped fabric in front of them would make them have striped calves, that the earth was a flat disc, that rain came from %26quot;opening the windows of heaven,%26quot; and on and on and on. We don't believe those things any more because of knowledge that has been gained since then.

Finally, before you call today's world %26quot;...more corrupt and depraved,%26quot; I'd suggest actually reading your bible. They sacrificed animals in bloody public ceremonies, they hacked to death whole cities of men, women, children, and animals (sometimes saving the virgin women for themselves), daughters got their father drunk and slept with him, a man tosses his daughter out to a mob to be raped and abused all night long and thinks he's done a good thing, the chosen king of god spies on naked women from his rooftop, then has their husbands murdered so he can take them as one of his multiple wives, and on and on. Your bible is full of corruption and depravity, much of it committed in your god's name.

I totally understand where they are coming from, actually. And I'm a Christian!!!

I see how many Christians would put us women back into long dresses- covering everything but our heads!!!!!! So fast! They are always harping on that pants are so wrong for us to wear!

In the middle ages of Europe, the Roman Church taught women were %26quot;of Satan%26quot; and had them all covered up! You couldn't even show your bare ankles!!!!!!!!

Nevermind that in Bible times- ALL wore tunics- even the men- they dressed pretty much alike- but the women never went around in the short short shifts or only in the loincloth, like men did when doing hard labor!!! But the women then even wore sleeveless tunics, too! And linen was very lightweight, in the heat.

I think Islam in in the dark ages yet- we have %26quot;evolved%26quot; away from the one way only thinking-

So I do understand how some can put Bible believers into the %26quot;dark ages%26quot; mentality, also.
Because that's when the Bible was written, and the world has moved on a lot since then.
We have the same physical needs, but we acquire them in different ways. The problem is with believers who try to apply Bronze Age rules to Silicon Age situations. Our food supply is relatively stable (although distressingly kept in the hands of a few agricultural mega-corporations). We no longer need large families to work the farm and keep ahead of disease, famine and accidental death. We live in suburbs and work and shop in cities dozens of miles away, a concept incomprehensible to the ancients. Businesses now have legal rights that would have made no sense in the Biblical world.

When the Bible is used to examine and evaluate what the rich and influential are really doing to the poor and helpless, without any cultural overlays, it can be quite relevant. But so very many Christians use the Bible to enforce conformity, conventionality and the status quo. When biblical prophets comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable, everyone pretends to be a victim so they won't have to examine their own consciences. They obsess over biblical trivia, who went where when, rather than apply the Bible's messages of justice-waging, compassion-mongering and peacemaking to their own lives.

What are the burning moral issues of activist Christians? Unjust war, unemployment, government corruption, corporate excesses, the exploitation of middle class and poor people in the service of profit? No. It's %26quot;protecting the unborn%26quot;, %26quot;defending marriage from gay people%26quot;, stopping sex education in schools, protecting gun rights (?!?), %26quot;saving%26quot; Christmas, debunking Evolution. It's all geared toward keeping things like they %26quot;used to be%26quot;, restoring an idealized, nostalgic vision of the world that ignores the gritty realities of both its day and our own.

Is %26quot;our world%26quot; any more %26quot;corrupt%26quot; or %26quot;depraved%26quot; than that of the crumbling Roman Empire, Feudalism or the Industrial Revolution? There are technically new capabilities in those dimensions, but our perceptions are colored by the fact that we have a 24-hour news cycle that spews out every tawdry bit of gossip and sordid trivial detail. We know and are willing to talk about far more than our ancestors were ever willing to, but it all has happened, all along.

The basic issues ARE the same, but they are dressed up in different clothes. Christians get distracted by the clothes, the appearances, and ignore the substance of the greater social crises. We can't return to the %26quot;good%26quot; old days. We know too much about them and about what has happened since. But some Christians would like it to LOOK as if we had.