sell all the mansions that rich people have. make them live in apartments so they can give money back to the world and sell all their bling bling. i think some rappers have like 1 million dollars on one little finger that could be used to build homes for a few people. Bill Gates has like 55 billion? wtf do you do with all that money? the world should have a set limit on home much money you should be able to have based on the size of your family. all exceeded family salary allowances should be put into a fund that goes towards research for medical advances to stop the illnesses that kill millions of people, space exploration to find possible other unknown sources of energy in the universe. developing better trade routes for food, supplies, and other items some countries cannot produce. start building cities in the sky to help the overpopulated countries to have the opportunity co-exist with developed nations to better their education and quality of life. With the education comes more advanced technology that will revolutionize the world and make surving the next couple of centuries possible. with the technology comes ways to cut down on pollution, crime, deaths, healthcare, the list goes on. the countries that are developed and have resources needed to diminish the military and have the millions have men and women fighting each other from countries around the world turned into one force that will work together to find ways to aid those who are in need. the force could be used to for a number of things including building new cities, farms, non-hazordous energy plants that transform air and water into massive energy banks that can be stored underground below cities or in a elevated storage facility that is hovering over a city to be used as a power source for large scale cities. i could go on, but the world isn't ready for this kind of large scale change, it is to busy fighting wars over land, power, natural resources, and who has a bigger budget. i can only hope that one day we can live together in peace and work together to improve our lives and our neighbooring peoples lives.
My thoughts of the world and how it operates and what can be done to better the lives of billions of people?
people need to put their trust in the Lord and stop depending on man for everything.
My thoughts of the world and how it operates and what can be done to better the lives of billions of people?
very thoughtful and compassionate point of view. but in all fairness we cannot subject people who have earned wealth through hard work to give up their luxuries.
maybe a mor emoderate standpoint......the term is collective consciousness......collective responsibility.......
all the money thats being spent on arms and ammunitions could be spent for welfare.....
charity needs to be incorporated into people's mind....children especially.....
hopefully....someday it comes true! hope is eternal!
You just need to get people to open up and accept the changes that need to be made if they dont nothing will ever change. keep fighting! one person CAN make a difference
Idealism isn't dead after all.
I agree with you! These people are ridiculous! Why not give some money to people who really need it in this country?
The rich should pay higher taxes and relieve the working class of the burden. The rich need to really help out more. They buy crazy things... million dollar cars and diamond pendants and crap like that... fine that they can afford luxuries like that, but do they really need it? Why not give the money spent on a pendant to someone who needs the money desperately?