Wednesday, 26 October 2011

How can we stop the acts of violence on this planet?

I mean there's terrorism, people killing each other, and so on. I believe theres alot of things that caused this problem. Media, video games, lack of parental discipline. I could keep going on and on. Just how are we going to teach our children to act peacefully? I dont know how to control the media. I dont know if i want my children to watch tv, play vid games and beat the crap out of people. I cant say no. Technology has changed alot of things in this world and it's still constantly changing. My main point that i am concerned throughtout my life is what way can we teach everyone on how to do the right thing? Answers will be appreciated.
How can we stop the acts of violence on this planet?
if we get the black population on the right track that right there will eliminate half of the violence cause in America. educate these young Afro Americans. because all they are doing is smoking weed, getting drunk, spreading aids,selling drugs, stealing and making all these babies that end up having no father figure in the home because they are either dead or in jail. so educate.teach them the value of life.teach them how to manage money and save money.teach them to own there own businesses. teach them how to love one another, since there is so much black on black crime. teach them to respect there elders. so morals and values need to be taught at home first and at school. when somebody goes against that they need to be punish in some form of fashion. our government has a lot to do with whats going on in America. because they control everything which can affect our behavior as well. but I'm not going to talk about the government right now, that's a whole another subject.
How can we stop the acts of violence on this planet?
Get rid of people.
have to get to the root. I ride the bus sometimes to school and i hear 6 or 7 year olds saying shut the f%^$ up and things to that extent, i mean wow how can that happen all i can say is do the right thing yadayadayada and help others
Do your best to encourage nonviolence to your children and everyone else you meet and know.
%26quot;Be the change you want to see in the world.%26quot;
