I remember doing some reading about this when I first heard about the movie this summer while I was pregnant. I think it's more realistic to me that in 2012 the world will have a %26quot;technology overload%26quot; from all these new technologies coming out constantly, and that our computers and phones and TVs wont be able to keep up. Apparently, the world's energy and sun changes every 12 years, and in 2012, it will be the biggest change known to man. It sounds more realistic to me that the world will go through a big technology/energy change/crisis then that the world will just end. I strongly believe that God is the only one who knows when the world will end. I don't think the world is still bad enough for it to just end like that so suddenly. This is just my opinion and thoughts, I'm not even sure what I believe/ don't believe regarding all this, I'd love to see the movie but obviously can't with a 3 week old baby in the house. What are your opinions on this?
*This is in the parenting section, because it's where most of my mommy friends hang out, and I'd love to hear from them too!*
Parents: do you think the world will end on 2012?
There are so many theories to when the world will end but honestly.. I don't think anyone knows.
I know that I'm going to raise my child when I have him within the next month as if he'll live forever.. not just 2 or 3 years.
Parents: do you think the world will end on 2012?
No one knows, not even psychics. I believe that only GOD knows..
And it would have maybe mentioned something in the bible.
But then again they're so many possibilities..
about what we people will do with the world
and crap.
i have no thoughts
I wouldn't worry too much about it. Modern scholars aren't even sure we've interpreted it completely correctly. Also, the Mayans didn't predict the end of the world, it just happens to be the date that they stopped calculating at. According to their calendar, it is supposed to be the time of great change. It is based on the sun, which according to their math will be doing some pretty interesting things at the time.
In regards to all the hype-- I have one phrase for you-- Y2K. :)
Read your bible
lol, no.
But I bet the movie will make millions.
All the best.
I am a christian and only god knows when the world is going to end...NO I do not believe the Mayan calender..god is not going to have the world to end with everyone knowing all thesed years in advance..like the bible says..it'll come like a thief in the night...so only god knows when it will end..I do worry about it ending alot cause I have young children and I want to be able to raise them and meet my grandchildren..but i do not believe it will end when the Mayan calender runs out..they aren't even predicting it to end that is just when they stopped writing their calender..they couldn't write it forever..
Personally, no.
Yes, I saw the preview, and I was going to see it tonight, but decided it looked too sad, lol.
Yes, so people in the 1800's thought it WOULD end on December 21, 2012. So? They thought it was going to end in 2000, and it didn't. Personally, I do believe that God will decide when the world ends. Not man.
I agree with that if the world ends, the world ends. Not a thing anyone can do about it.
(I'm not a parent, but can I answer?)
The Mayans didn't predict anything (they're still around too, thank you!). Their calender just ends. Big whoop! It'll start over again. Simple as that.
Happy: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/200鈥?/a>
I think only God knows when the world will end, and He will end it when He chooses to do so. It could be tomorrow, it could be next year, it could be 2012, it could be 2052....we just don't know, but He does.
It's rubbish.
People freak out because the Mayans so called %26quot;predicted%26quot; the world would end this time.That's why everyone is so freaked out..because they supposedly predicted other things that came true.However, the reason why the Mayan calender was not finished was because they went %26quot;instinct%26quot; so to speak so they couldn't finish.
And a lot of other %26quot;theories%26quot; are that the world will not end, but instead, be the complete opposite.People are suppose to be more spiritual and all this other stuff.So, I guess in a way the world will end..the shitty world that we know of lol.
I personally don't really care.If we die, we die.Heaven would be a lot better than this crap hole anyday and It will be amazing to reunite with all the loved ones once again.
As for this movie, it's only what potentially could happen if the polar shifts tilt.The movie is nothing more than hollywoods chance to freak people out making charging a crapload.
I hope it does but I seriously doubt that it will. Actually it is convoluted speculation based on the fact that the aztecs believed in an Armageddon-type ending to the world and the fact that the calendar they developed suddenly comes to end in 2012. The movie looks really stupid to me.
the world isn't going to suddenly end. It will be drastically changed. Via Global cleansing. It's already begun.
The oceans are acidic, Fish are depleted,
ice caps have begun to melt and break apart animals have lost habitat.
We have lose 2 species every minute for the last 15 yrs,
We are not above the circle of life or seperate from it .
We are part of it,
Once the chain breaks ( it has) ..your link is weakened..,
The Mayans weren't the only culture to have these prophecies..all of them point to this time period.
Alana it has nothing to do with and doesnt relate at all to Y2k
that the most bubble headed comment anyone could have responded with