For example, the technology of robotic surgery is rapidly changing the field of general surgery. Perhaps in the future, it may completely eliminate the need for surgeons altogether. Which fields would be immune from being replaced by technology?|||The best doctors who care about patients have always hoped to become obsolete. However like the original plan for the health service in 1948,when it was thought that treating disease would make the costs fall as everyone would get better,as we treat,manage of even abolish certain conditions,new ones seem to replace them.|||It means that physicians %26amp; health-care workers in general, must constantly strive to to reeducate themselves! Especially as it applies to their own field of expertise. There are many tools available to aide in this endeavor %26amp; medical as well as nursing licenses require mandatory education for renewal.|||Doctors of any stripe aren%26#039;t going to be replaced. They%26#039;ll just adapt. No matter how well a robot in the future performs technically, the surgeon will still be there to back it up, for the very simple reason that people aren%26#039;t themselves machines, and the complexity of human beings requires a certain artistry as well as technical expertise.|||Robotic surgery is the use of robots in performing surgery. Three major advances aided by surgical robots have been remote surgery, minimally invasive surgery and unmanned surgery. Major advantages of robotic surgery are precision, miniaturization, smaller incisions, decreased blood loss, less pain, and quicker healing time. Further advantages are articulation beyond normal manipulation and three-dimensional magnification.|||You can take any teenager off the street and teach him to be a good technician. What you cannot teach is judgement. They have a long way to go before they get a computer that comes anywhere close to the human brain. We will learn the new technologies, as we have been doing for quite a while now.|||No. A robot cannot do things a humans can. Robotic surgery is excellent for reducing error, speeding up recovery time, putting less strain on the surgeon, and allows for good precision; but it is very expensive and not all hospitals can afford to use it. Money is a big issue in the healthcare industry right now! Surgeons and doctors will always be a vital part of medicine. I don%26#039;t thinks fields will ever be completely replaced by technology... people always need people, but revolutionary technology will help advance care, treatment, and open new doors.|||First of all, robotic surgery does not eliminate physicians. The surgeon sits in the room and operates the robotic arms, and has to be ready to open if things go bad. Robotic surgery will not eliminate the need for surgeons.
What technology does is improve safety and accuracy in medicine. Technology helps us work better and more efficiently, but will never replace the human brain, which is the most important medical tool.