Today while riding the bus home, I thought my iPod had skipped. I was appalled, but then noticed that my head phones had merely became unplugged. Relieved, I plugged them back in and resumed listening. However, this expierence left me wondering. At that time, the electronical conents of my back pack were as follows: A Nintendo Ds, Mario Kart Ds, Yoshi Touch N%26#039; Go Ds, Tetris Ds, Animal crossing Ds, Metroid Prime Ds, Super Mario Ds, Mario and Luigi Parterns in Time Ds, A 1 gb flash drive, Motorola Razr, iPod ( not in my back pack, but I was listening to it ), a Sony HandyCam, and a few other things. Well, about 50 years ago, none of these technologies exsisted and yet the world managed to function peacefully. Yet now teens freak if they don%26#039;t get cell reception for five minutes. We rarely communicate face to face and more and more %26quot;lovers%26quot; are united via the internet. Is this a good thing?|||Kelly, do not act like you know everything if you cannot spell simple words such as %26quot;break%26quot; and %26quot;want to%26quot;. Also, the phrase %26quot;...causing some family%26#039;s...%26quot; is grammatically incorrect. So do not answer if you wish to be a total noob about it. Now, to answer the posed question.
%26quot;BlueDevilCheer%26quot; has asked a question that has been raging through churches and scientific labs for several years now. With out new technology, we wouldn%26#039;t have cures for diseases and inventions that make our lives easier. On the flip side of this proverbial coin, who%26#039;s to say that with out some of this new technology, various bacteria wouldn%26#039;t exist? Massive pollution due to factories and cars alike have caused forms of lung cancer and other infections. Hundreds of years ago, these cancers that we hear about every day were never even mentioned.
Children playing video games is a quirky phenomenon. It is not a bad thing, especially when comparing to a lesser alternative such as smoking or drinking, which many teens do. However, adults tend to compare it to something that could be better for their children: Physical Labour/ Exercise. It seems that children of this generation are more concerned about the latest next gen console than political events. A vast majority of teens are linked merely through telecommunications networks such as My Space, Xanga, and Facebook. I believe that to be an entirely unacceptable approach to making friends. If you cannot say something to a person%26#039;s face, do not say it on the Internet. I%26#039;m not just talking about degrading terms here, either. Consider this: When you read the average teenager%26#039;s My Space, scroll down until you see the comment section. There is a ninety percent guarantee that someone the user has never met before has left a comment there saying how much they %26quot;f*cking love ya%26quot;, or something else to that general meaning. Now move on to the %26quot;pictures%26quot; section. I%26#039;m sure you will see what the emo My Space whores like to call the %26quot;mirror shot%26quot;. No explanation necessary. I can assure you that people have left comments about that picture stating what %26quot;beautiful eyes%26quot; that person has or something of the sort. Would you really go up to that person in real life and just start complimenting them randomly? I think not. Could we please just meet people in person?
The answer to that question is an apparent %26quot;no%26quot; according to T.V. networks. It is getting dam* near impossible to sit through some horrible reality TV show with out an %26quot;E-Harmony%26quot; commercial popping up. If a person is that much of a pathetic weakling in their home town, what makes them so much more ******* desirable through an LCD monitor? Nothing. Yes, sites do bring people together that would have otherwise never have met, but think about the reverse side of this. I%26#039;ll give you a situation. %26quot;Bob%26quot; has no friends in his hometown of %26quot;Blackburg%26quot;. However, there is a girl that works with him, %26quot;Jane%26quot;, that really likes him. Well, Bob doesn%26#039;t know this and he decides one day to log onto a web-dating-service Web site. He meets the %26quot;love of his life%26quot;, %26quot;Kimmy%26quot;. They get married and Bob even has the audacity to invite Jane to the wedding. Eighteen months later, Kimmy and Bob are divorced and Kimmy ran away with all of Bob%26#039;s possessions. Bob has sworn off women for life. What would have happened if Bob had talked to Jane? Well, he wouldn%26#039;t have met Kimmy in intimate ways, that%26#039;s for sure. Oh, I suppose you could take Bob%26#039;s side and say %26quot;Why didn%26#039;t Jane let Bob know her feelings for him%26quot;. Maybe Jane was shy and couldn%26#039;t say those things to his face. Hell, maybe she should have just gotten a My Space so she could flatter him with a mysterious name like %26quot;SuchALyingSmile69%26quot;.|||If you think technology has made this world less, then I suggest taking up a new hobby- letter writing. It seems to be a forgotten art. I think people would appreciate getting a handwritten letter.|||I think that it is good in the way that it makes life easier and more enjoyable, but it is also bad in the fact that it makes people lazier and depend on these things|||Its sort of a catch 22. While technology has made things easier and more glamorous, it has made us as a human race lazy as hell!... If only there was something to make people get up get out and do something|||some techno stuff is very useful for example, i don%26#039;t know how i would have any time for a social life if i had to do all my research and coursework by hand, even my mum had a typewriter to help her! and my phone is my life line cos if I%26#039;m in trouble or some1 needs me for something important they can get me just like magic!
i don%26#039;t agree with all the techno stuff in the world tho, somethings do more harm that good, like video games, i remember when i was a kid and me a my family would play a board game to pass the time, but now all kids wanna do is go and play a violent game on the Xbox or the PS2, it is causing some family%26#039;s to brake down in communication!
so it is all good in moderation!